
Mnenjski voditelji kot posredniki v procesu vzpostavljanja zaupanja potrošnika do blagovne znamke
ID Lešek, Neža (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vplivneži so v zadnjih letih postali ena od glavnih tematik širše javnosti in ena od najučinkovitejših trženjskih strategij blagovnih znamk. Ker se je vplivnostni marketing tako močno razširil in se še vedno vztrajno širi, sem se odločila raziskati, kako vplivneže dojemajo potrošniki. Najprej sem preverila teoretični okvir že napisanih del in že izvedenih raziskav, potem pa je bil čas za empirični del, v sklopu katerega sem izvedla spletno anketo. V kvantitativni raziskavi je sodelvalo 176 respondentov različnih starostnih skupin in z različnimi izobraževalnimi ozadji. Rezultati so pokazali, da so lastnosti kot so privlačnost, strokovnost in zanesljivost vplivneža ogromnega pomena v procesu vzpostavljanja zaupanja do blagovne znamke s strani sledilca. Eden od pomembnih faktorjev pa je tudi število opaženih sponzoriranih objav, saj lahko višek plačanih objav v sledilčevih očeh povzroči dvome. Skozi anketni vprašalnik so bile torej potrjene hipoteze, kar pomeni, da bolj kot sledilec vplivneža dojema kot privlačnega, strokovnega in zanesljivega, bolj zaupa blagovni znamki, ki jo vplivnež promovira.

Keywords:vplivnež, kredibilnost, zaupanje, vplivnostni marketing, sponzorirane objave
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161904 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Opinion leaders as mediators in the process of establishing consumer trust in brands
In recent years, influencers have become one of the main topics of the general public and one of the most effective marketing strategies. Since influencer marketing has expanded so much and is still expanding steadily, I decided to investigate how influencers are perceived by consumers. First, I checked the theoretical framework of existing works and already conducted research, and then it was time for the empirical part, as part of which I conducted an online survey. 176 respondents of different age groups and with different educational backgrounds took part in the quantitative research. The results showed that characteristics, such as attractiveness, professionalism and reliability, play a huge role in the process of establishing consumers' trust towards brands. Another important factor is the number of sponsored posts, as more paid posts can raise doubts in the mind of the consumer. Trought the questionnaire, the hypotheses were confirmed, which means that the more the follower percieves the influencer as attractive, professional and reliable, the more they trust brands the influencer is promoting.

Keywords:influencer, credibility, trust, influencer marketing, sponsored posts

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