
Merchandising: sredstvo komuniciranja in vir financiranja v nogometnih klubih
ID Švegelj, Domen (Author), ID Kamin, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Merchandising v nogometu je uporaba posebej ustvarjenih izdelkov in storitev tako za promocijo kot trženje nogometnih lig, ekip, klubov ter igralcev. Cilj raziskave, s posebnim poudarkom na primerjavi strategij merchandisinga med slovenskim in evropskim nogometnim klubom, je pokazati, da ima merchandising velik, vendar še neizkoriščen potencial v slovenskih nogometnih klubih, medtem ko so večji evropski klubi ta koncept že dobro razvili, kar se kaže v vsakoletni rasti njihovih prihodkov, obenem pa raziskati dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost merchandising strategij s finančnega vidika. Metodološko je delo zasnovano na kvalitativni študiji primera, ki vključuje polstrukturirani intervju, analizo finančnih podatkov v letnih in bonitetnih poročilih ter primerjavo uradnih spletnih in fizičnih klubskih trgovin. Iz rezultatov raziskave je razvidno, da (aktualni) športni uspehi, podprti z osvajanjem lovorik, večja globalna baza navijačev in visoka stopnja skupinske identifikacije navijačev z nogometnim klubom pomembno vplivajo na finančne rezultate nogometnih klubov iz naslova merchandisinga, pri čemer slovenski klubi zaostajajo za evropskimi predvsem zaradi manjše baze navijačev in skromnejših proračunov. Finančni uspeh merchandisinga nogometnih klubov dodatno spodbujajo moč blagovne znamke nogometnega kluba, medijska pokritost na lokalnem in globalnem trgu, obisk domačih tekem ter prestopi nogometnih zvezdnikov.

Keywords:merchandising, baza navijačev, skupinska identifikacija, blagovna znamka nogometnega kluba, merchandise izdelki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Title:Merchandising: a Means of Communication and a Source of Funding for Football Clubs
Merchandising in football is the use of products and services created specifically to both promote and market football leagues, teams, clubs and players. The aim of the research, which focused on the comparison of merchandising strategies between Slovenian and European football clubs, is to show that merchandising has a large but untapped potential in Slovenian football clubs, while the larger European clubs have already developed the concept well, as reflected in the year-on-year growth of their revenues, and to investigate the factors influencing the success of merchandising strategies from a financial point of view. Methodologically, the thesis is based on a qualitative case study involving semi-structured interviews, analysis of financial data in annual and credit rating reports and a comparison of official online and physical club shops. The results show that (current) sporting successes supported by winning trophies, a larger global fan base and a high level of group identification of fans with the football club have a significant impact on the financial results of football clubs from merchandising, with Slovenian clubs lagging behind European clubs mainly due to a smaller fan base and modest budgets. The financial success of merchandising in football clubs is further enhanced by the strength of the football club's brand, media coverage on the local and global market, attendance at home matches and transfers of football stars.

Keywords:merchandising, fan base, group identification, football club brand, merchandise products

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