
Prilagoditvene strategije madžarskega založništva in knjigotrštva na kampanjo anti-LGBTQIA+ in zakon LXXIX iz leta 2021
ID Susman, Nika (Author), ID Tomanić-Trivundža, Ilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na Madžarskem zadnja leta poteka obsežna kampanja anti-LGBTQIA+, katere del je tudi zakon LXXIX iz leta 2021, ki med drugim preprečuje ozaveščanje mladoletnikov o spolnosti in spolnih identitetah; sankcionirano je prikazovanje vsebin LGBTQIA+ mladoletnikom prek medijev – literature, televizije, filma in oglaševanja. Zakon je močno vplival na madžarsko založništvo in knjigotrštvo, saj knjigarnam za neupoštevanje določil nalaga izjemno visoke kazni. Madžarski premier Viktor Orban je močno poslabšal demokratične standarde, z odkrito kampanjo anti-LGBTQIA+ pa bije širšo kulturno vojno, ki jo izrablja za promocijo konservativnih in nacionalističnih idej. V diplomski nalogi sem v skladu s teorijami populizma in politične homofobije kontekstualizirala zakon LXXIX iz leta 2021 in ga potrdila kot operacionalizacijo ideologije stranke Fidesz. Ker zakon močno vpliva na knjižni trg, sem z metodo polstrukturiranega intervjuja raziskala, kako se založniški in knjigotrški sektor otroške in mladinske književnosti prilagaja ideološkemu naboju, ki ga prinašajo zakonske zahteve. Potrdila sem tezo, da se založniki in knjigotržci zakonu prilagajajo z novimi strategijami, npr. umikom knjig s tematiko LGBTQIA+ na oddelke za odrasle, prav tako pa se je potrdila visoka stopnja (samo)cenzure. Iskanje novih načinov, kako zakon zaobiti, pri nikomer od intervjuvanih ni v ospredju.

Keywords:kampanja anti-LGBTQIA+, Madžarska, politična homofobija, populizem, založništvo in knjigotrštvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Hungarian publishing and bookselling's adaptive strategies in response to the anti-LGBTQIA+ campaign and Act LXXIX of 2021
In recent years, Hungary has been carrying out an extensive anti-LGBTQIA+ campaign, which includes The LXXIX Act of 2021. This law, among other things, prevents raising awareness among minors about sexuality and gender identities, and any propagation of LGBTQIA+ content to minors through media  literature, television, film, and advertising  is sanctioned. The law has significantly impacted Hungarian publishing and bookselling, as bookstores face extremely high fines for non-compliance. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has severely undermined democratic standards, and with an open anti-LGBTQIA+ campaign, he is waging a broader cultural war that he uses to promote conservative and nationalist ideas. In my thesis, I contextualized The LXXIX Act of 2021 in line with theories of populism and political homophobia and confirmed it as the operationalization of the Fidesz party's ideology. Given the significant impact of the law on the book market, I used the semi-structured interview method to explore how the publishing and bookselling sector of children’s and young adult literature is adapting to the ideological pressure brought by the law’s requirements. I confirmed the thesis that publishers and booksellers are adapting to the law with new strategies, such as moving books with LGBTQIA+ themes to adult sections, and a high degree of (self-)censorship was also confirmed. Finding new ways to circumvent the law was not a priority for any of the interviewees.

Keywords:anti-LGBTQIA+ campaign, Hungary, political homophobia, populism, publishing and bookselling

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