
Vključevanje ESG dejavnikov v marketinško komuniciranje
ID Meršnik, Iva (Author), ID Podnar, Klement (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se obravnava vključevanje ESG dejavnikov v marketinško komuniciranje, kar je vse bolj pomembno v današnjem poslovnem okolju. Zaradi naraščajoče svetovne porabe naravnih virov in poglabljajočih se okoljskih problemov postaja trajnost ključni dejavnik za podjetja. Ta morajo ne le izpolnjevati zakonske zahteve, temveč tudi odzivati na pritiske deležnikov, potrošnikov in širše družbe za bolj odgovorno ravnanje. Delo se osredotoča na študijo primera podjetja Mastercard Slovenija, ki v svoje marketinške strategije vključuje ESG dejavnike z namenom izboljšanja družbene in okoljske odgovornosti ter krepitve odnosa s potrošniki. Raziskava je opravljena s študijo primera, ki raziskuje, katere ESG dejavnike družba Mastercard vključuje v svoje komunikacijske aktivnosti. Ključne ugotovitve kažejo, da družba Mastercard v svoje marketinške komunikacije aktivno vključuje različne ESG dejavnike, kar temelji na njihovi globalni strategiji in je v skladu z aktualnimi trendi na področju trajnostnega komuniciranja. Ključne ugotovitve poudarjajo pomen celovitega pristopa k trženju, ki vključuje odgovorno ravnanje z okoljem, podporo družbeni pravičnosti in transparentno upravljanje. To omogoča podjetjem, da se bolje odzivajo na pričakovanja sodobnih potrošnikov in ustvarjajo dolgoročno vrednost za vse deležnike.

Keywords:trajnost, trajnostni marketing, ESG dejavniki, marketinško komuniciranje, trženje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161887 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Incorporating ESG factors into marketing communication
The thesis examines the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors into marketing communications, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s business environment. Due to the growing global consumption of natural resources and worsening environmental issues, sustainability is becoming a crucial factor for companies. They must not only comply with legal requirements but also respond to the pressures of stakeholders, consumers, and the broader society for more responsible conduct. The thesis focuses on a case study of Mastercard Slovenia, which incorporates ESG factors into its marketing strategies to enhance social and environmental responsibility and strengthen relationships with consumers. The research is conducted through a case study that investigates which ESG factors Mastercard includes in its communication activities. Key findings show that Mastercard actively integrates various ESG factors into its marketing communications, which is based on their global strategy and aligns with current trends in sustainable communication. The key findings emphasize the importance of a comprehensive approach to marketing, which includes responsible environmental behavior, support for social justice, and transparent governance. This approach allows companies to better respond to the expectations of modern consumers and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

Keywords:sustainability, sustainable marketing, ESG factors, marketing communications, marketing

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