
Dynamics of a Taylor bubble in counter-current turbulent flow
ID Kren, Jan (Author), ID Mikuž, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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This thesis presents an in-depth investigation of Taylor bubbles in counter-current flows, employing a dual approach of high-fidelity numerical simulations and state-of-the-art experimental techniques. Taylor bubble is one of the manifestations of two-phase slug flow in a pipe. It consists of large gas bubbles separated from each other by slugs of the liquid phase. The dynamics of Taylor bubbles in air-water mixture were examined in two different regimes - the transitional flow regime with Reynolds number $Re = 1400$ and the fully turbulent flow with $Re = 5600$. The study focused on bubbles of various lengths in stagnant conditions, where buoyancy is counterbalanced by inertial drag in the downward turbulent flow. The experimental study focuses on three main aspects: the analysis of bubble disintegration, the detailed analysis of the bubble interface dynamics and measurement of velocity fields using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. By developing specialized algorithms for interface reconstruction from the obtained high-speed camera images, the research identified asymmetric, bullet-train-like shapes of Taylor bubbles in fully turbulent flow, but axi-symmetric bubbles in transitional liquid flow. This was a significant finding, demonstrating also the presence of disturbance waves along the bubble interface, which were tracked with high sensitivity. These waves exhibited correlated movements across the bubble surface, adding new understanding to the behavior of such flows. The numerical study focused on the bubble behavior and breakup mechanisms, highlighting the limitations of the numerical methods. Using the OpenFOAM framework, the research implemented a high-order Runge-Kutta time-integration scheme combined with the Volume-Of-Fluid (VOF) method and the geometric reconstruction of bubble interfaces. The study concentrated on the transitional flow regime with a liquid $Re=1400$, comparing algebraic and geometric capturing techniques. The results highlighted the superiority of geometric reconstruction in capturing the nuances of Taylor bubble breakup. A novel discovery was also the emergence of a secondary vortex in the turbulent wake of the Taylor bubble, particularly noticeable at finer mesh resolutions. This thesis contributes to the field of nuclear engineering and fluid dynamics by providing a more comprehensive understanding of Taylor bubble behavior in counter-current flows. The combination of experimental observations and numerical simulations offers a holistic view, paving the way for improved designs and operations in various engineering fields where such flow phenomena are encountered.

Keywords:fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, computational fluid dynamics, large eddy simulation, turbulence, Volume-Of-Fluid method, Particle Image Velocimetry
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161876 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209854467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Title:Dinamika Taylorjevega mehurja v protitočnem turbulentnem toku
Taylorjev mehur je ena od manifestacij dvofaznega čepastega toka v cevi, ki se pojavlja v številnih industrijskih procesih in napravah. Sestavljajo ga veliki plinski mehurji, ločeni drug od drugega s čepi kapljevine. Doktorsko delo se osredotoča na obnašanje Taylorjevega mehurja v protitoku kapljevine, pri čemer smo uporabili numerične simulacije visoke ločljivosti in najsodobnejše eksperimentalne metode za podrobno analizo hitrostnih polj, dinamike medfazne površine in razpada mehurja. Z uporabo hitrotekoče kamere je bila dinamika Taylorjevih mehurjev v mešanicah zrak-voda natančno raziskana v dveh različnih režimih – prehodnem režimu toka z Reynoldsovim številom $Re = 1400$ in turbulentnem toku z $Re = 5600$. Študija se je osredotočila na mehurje dolžine $2-10D_h$, pri katerih je vzgon uravnotežen z vztrajnostnim uporom v padajočem turbulentnem toku. Z razvojem algoritma za prepoznavo medfazne površine na posnetih slikah je analiza identificirala asimetrične oblike mehurjev, podobne obliki hitrih vlakov. To je pomembna ugotovitev, ki je pokazala tudi prisotnost majhnih vzbujenih valov vzdolž površine mehurjev, ki smo jim z omenjenim algoritmom sledili z visoko občutljivostjo. Ti valovi so pokazali korelirana gibanja po površini mehurja, kar je dodalo novo razumevanje o obnašanju tovrstnih tokov. Pri uporabi orodja za računsko dinamiko tekočin OpenFOAM je bila implementirana Runge-Kutta shema časovne integracije visokega reda v kombinaciji z metodo VOF in geometrično rekonstrukcijo medfazne površine. Študija se je osredotočila na režim prehodnega toka s kapljevinastim $Re=1400$ ter primerjala algebraične in geometrične tehnike zajemanja medfazne površine. Rezultati so pokazali prednost geometričnega zajemanja pri simulacijah razpada Taylorjevega mehurja. Novo odkritje je tudi pojav sekundarnega vrtinca za Taylorjevim mehurjem, v t.i. sledi Taylorjevega mehurja, ki je še posebej opazen pri gostejših ločljivostih mreže, potrdili pa smo ga tudi z eksperimenti. Doktorsko delo prispeva k področju jedrske tehnike in dinamike tekočin s celovitejšim razumevanjem obnašanja čepastih tokov v protitočnih turbulentnih tokovih, ki se lahko pojavijo tudi v primarni zanki tlačnovodnih jedrskih elektrarn. Kombinacija eksperimentalnov in numeričnih simulacij ponuja bolj celostni pogled ter utira pot izboljšanemu načrtovanju na različnih inženirskih področjih, kjer se pojavljajo tovrstni pretočni pojavi.

Keywords:dinamika tekočin, večfazni tokovi, računska dinamika tekočin, metoda velikih vrtincev, turbulenca, metoda VOF, metoda sledenja delcev

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