
Analiza učinka potresnega utrjevanja na potresno odpornost zidanih stavb
ID Plavec, Gal (Author), ID Gams, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gostič, Samo (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave učinka potresnega utrjevanja na potresno odpornost zidanih stavb. Preučili smo vpliv potresnega utrjevanja z maltnimi oblogami, ki so armirane s mrežami iz steklenih vlaken na potresno odpornost zidane stavbe v Ljubljani. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen vpliv ima takšno utrjevanje na nosilnost in duktilnost osnovnega zidu in če lahko s takšnim pristopom pomembno prispevamo k izboljšanju potresne varnosti stavbe. Upoštevati smo morali tudi kulturno varstvene zahteve o nedotakljivosti fasade stavbe. Za preverjanje potresne odpornosti stavbe je bila uporabljena nelinearna statična analiza potresne odpornosti s programom SREMB, ki upošteva etažni mehanizem porušitve kritične etaže med potresom. Rezultat analize so bile ovojnice kritične etaže z izračunanim koeficientom potresne odpornosti SRC (ang. Seismic Resistance Coefficient - SRC). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da obravnavana stavba v neutrjenem stanju ne izpolnjuje zahtev glede potresne varnosti in zato smo preučili različne možnosti potresnega utrjevanja. V nalogi so predstavljeni rezultati dveh variant utrjevanja s katerimi bi lahko izboljšali potresno odpornost stavbe. V prvi smo s steklenimi vlakni ojačane maltne obloge nanesli na zunanje zidove samo iz notranje strani v drugi pa na vse zidove iz obeh strani. Kljub izboljšanju potresne odpornosti, stavba v nobenem primeru ni dosegla zahtevane potresne odpornosti.

Keywords:potresno utrjevanje, zidane stavbe, CRM, potresna odpornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161871 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis on impact of seismic strengthening on seismic resistance of masonry buildings
The graduation thesis presents research on the effect of seismic strengthening on the seismic resistance of masonry buildings. The study focused on the use of Composite Reinforced Mortar (CRM) as a strengthening method, applied to a case study of a masonry structure in Ljubljana. Particular attention was given to evaluate the increase in strength and ductility of an individual walls as well as the global structure. While designing strengthening method, it was necessary to considered that the building’s façade is classified as cultural heritage. The nonlinear static analysis of seismic resistance was performed using SREMB which employs storey collapse mechanism. The pushover curves and the seismic resistance coefficient (SRC) were calculated. The analysis revealed that structure in its unstrengthened state, does not meet the required seismic demand. As a result various seismic strengthening options were explored. This thesis presents two strengthening variants: in first the CRM system was applied to the interior side of the exterior walls; in the second it was applied on both sides. Although both approaches improved the structure’s seismic resistance, neither was sufficient to fully meet the demands.

Keywords:seismic strengthening, masonry buildings, CRM, seismic resistance

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