
Cankarjeva Lepa Vida in Župančičeva Veronika Deseniška z vidika žanrske hibridnosti : diplomsko delo
ID Zugan, Anabel (Author), ID Perenič, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Žanrska hibridnost je termin, ki se je v literarni teoriji pojavil na prelomu iz 20. v 21. stoletje in je v slovenski literarni vedi sorazmerno slabo definiran. V diplomski nalogi sta v njegovi luči obravnavani besedili iz obdobja slovenske literarne moderne – poetična drama Ivana Cankarja Lepa Vida in tragedija Otona Župančiča Veronika Deseniška. Ker sta nastali v obdobju, ki v literarni vedi velja za izrazito stilno pluralno in dovzetno za inovacije, ju je smiselno obravnavati tudi z vidika žanrske hibridnosti, kar v slovenski literarni vedi tudi še ni bilo storjeno na tak način. Ob tem se zavedamo, da ustvarjalca pojma hibridnosti ne uporabljata, ampak da gre v naši obravnavi po eni strani za retrogradno projekcijo pojma hibridnosti na starejši literarni pojav. Po drugi strani pa je tudi res, da na tisto, kar razumemo kot žanrsko hibridnost, naletimo že daleč nazaj v preteklosti, le da je zastopano z drugimi sorodnimi izrazi oz. pojmi (slogovni pluralizem, žanrski sinkretizem, subjektivizacija literature). Našo obravnavo je spodbudila tudi sorazmerno negativna sočasna recepcija obeh del, ki je avtorjema očitala pretirano liričnost in druge odstope od predvidene tradicionalne dramske oblike. Pri Cankarju se tisto, kar razumemo kot hibridizacijo žanra, mdr. zgodi zaradi vnašanja lirskih in simbolističnih elementov v dramsko formo, vsesplošno poznani motiv Lepe Vide pa razkrojeni strukturi daje smisel in osnovno vodilo. Pri Župančičevi interpretaciji zgodovinske snovi o celjskih grofih pa gre v našem videnju za reinterpretacijo slovenske zgodovinske snovi, ki se prav tako hibridizira zaradi izrazite lirizacije znotraj dramske zasnove, s čimer gre po mnenju literarnih zgodovinarjev za prikazovanje dogodka v človeku.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenska moderna, dramatika, tragedija, slogovni pluralizem, žanrska hibridnost, Ivan Cankar, Lepa Vida, Oton Župančič, Veronika Deseniška
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Koper [i. e. Ljubljana]
Publisher:[A. Zugan]
Number of pages:40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161866 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Title:Cankar's Lepa Vida and Župančič's Veronika Deseniška from the perspective of genre hybridity
Genre hybridity is a term that has first emerged in literary theory at the turn of the 20th to 21st century and is relatively poorly defined in Slovenian literary studies. The diploma thesis examines two works that were written at the time of Slovenian “Moderna” – the poetic drama of Ivan Cankar, Lepa Vida and the tragedy of Oton Župančič, Veronika Deseniška – in the light of this concept. Since these works are considered to be highly stylistically plural and open to other literary innovations, it makes sense to consider them also from the perspective of genre hybridity, something that has not yet been done in Slovenian literary studies in this way. It is important to acknowledge that the authors themselves do not use the term hybridity, but in our discussion, it is, on the one hand, a retrograde projection of the concept of hybridity onto an older literary phenomenon. On the other hand, it is also true that the elements of genre hybridity can already be found far back in the past, where they were represented by other terms or concepts (stylistic pluralism, genre syncretism, subjectivisation of literature). Our analysis was also motivated by the relatively negative contemporary reception of both works, which criticized the authors for excessive lyricism and other deviations from the expected traditional dramatic form. In Cankar's work, the hybridization of the genre occurs, among other things, due to the introduction of lyrical and symbolist elements into the dramatic form, with the widely known motif of Lepa Vida providing meaning and main guiding principle to the fragmented structure. In Župančič's interpretation of historical material about the Counts of Celje, we perceive it as a reinterpretation of Slovenian historical material that becomes hybridized due to the pronounced lyricism within the dramatic design, according to literary historians, it is a depictionof a lyrical event that occurs within a person.

Keywords:Slovene liteature, Slovene modern literature, drama, tragedy, stylistic pluralism, genre hybridity, Ivan Cankar, Lepa Vida, Oton Župančič, Veronika Deseniška

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