
Tveganja in prilagajanje na podnebne spremembe v prehranskem sistemu s poudarkom na kmetijstvu
ID Šušteršič, Lucija (Author), ID Pogačar, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti globalna tveganja in prilagoditve na podnebne spremembe v prehranskem sistemu s poudarkom na kmetijstvu, kot jih opredeljuje zadnje poročilo Medvladnega panela za podnebne spremembe. Bolj natančno bodo predstavljena tveganja za Evropo, delno tudi za Slovenijo, in možnosti prilagajanja v prehranskem sistemu ob ohranjanju prehranske varnosti. Prehranski sistem zajema pridelavo, predelavo, prevoz in porabo, predstavila bom posamezne dele s poudarkom na kmetijstvu. Glede na projekcije, kmetijstvo čaka kar nekaj izzivov: dezertifikacija tal, dvig morske gladine, zasoljevanje tal, večja pogostost pojavov bolezni in škodljivcev, daljše in pogostejše suše, poplave in drugimi ekstremni vremenski dogodki. Zaradi segrevanja se je spremenila fenologija rastlin, kar bi lahko povzročilo neskladja med rastlinami, opraševalci ter škodljivci. Spremenila se je tudi razširjenost rastlin, vsebnost hranil, primernost območij za njihovo rast in časovni razpored ključnih fenoloških faz, kot sta cvetenje in pojav žuželk, kar vpliva na kakovost hrane in stabilnost pridelka. Pri nas se posledice podnebnih sprememb že kažejo predvsem v velikih izgubah pridelka zaradi suš in pozebe. Če se bo sedanja stopnja emisij toplogrednih plinov nadaljevala, bo prehranska varnost v nekaterih regijah še bolj (ali na novo) ogrožena zaradi manjših pridelkov, neugodnih razmer za živino ali zdravju nevarnih razmer za kmetijske delavce. Jasno je, da vplivov podnebnih sprememb ne moremo več izničiti, lahko pa se do neke mere prilagodimo nanje. Evropska agencija za okolje omenja 3 vrste ukrepov prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe; sivi ukrepi (vezani na tehnološke rešitve), zeleni ukrepi (uveljavljanje novih poljščin in drevesnih vrst, obnova mokrišč), mehki ukrepi (vezani na navade potrošnikov, upravljanje sistemov in zakonodajo). Poudarek želim dati opredeljevanju tveganj, kar je prvi korak v smeri prilagajanja za doseganje odpornejše družbe.

Keywords:Podnebne spremembe, kmetijstvo, prehranski sistem, prehranska varnost, prilagajanje, tveganje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161864 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207864323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Climate change risks and adaptation in the food system, with a focus on agriculture
The aim of this thesis is to present global risks and adaptations to climate change in the food system, with a focus on agriculture, as identified in the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In more detail, it will present the risks for Europe, partly also for Slovenia, and the adaptation options in the food system while maintaining food security. The food system covers production, processing, transport and consumption, and I will present the different parts, with a focus on agriculture. According to projections, agriculture is facing a number of challenges: soil desertification, sea level rise, soil salinisation, increased incidence of diseases and pests, longer and more frequent droughts, floods and other extreme weather events. Warming has led to changes in plant phenology, which could lead to mismatches between plants, pollinators and pests. Plant distribution, nutrient content, the suitability of areas for their growth and the timing of key phenological phases such as flowering and insect emergence have also changed, affecting food quality and crop stability. In our country, the effects of climate change are already being felt, particularly in the form of major crop losses due to droughts and frosts. If the current level of greenhouse gas emissions continues, food security will be further (or newly) threatened in some regions due to lower yields, unfavourable conditions for livestock or unhealthy conditions for agricultural workers. It is clear that the impacts of climate change can no longer be reversed, but we can adapt to some extent. The EEA mentions 3 types of climate change adaptation measures; grey measures (linked to technological solutions), green measures (introduction of new crops and tree species, restoration of wetlands), soft measures (linked to consumer habits, systems management and legislation). I want to focus on identifying risks as a first step towards adaptation to achieve a more resilient society.

Keywords:Climate change, agriculture, food system, food security, adaptation, risk

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