
Populacijski trend treh travniških vrst ptic na Ljubljanskem barju: primerjava podatkov o velikosti populacij pred petindvajsetimi leti in danes
ID Knez, David (Author), ID Tome, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi zabeleženih upadov travniških vrst ptic smo raziskovali populacije treh travniških vrst ptic kmetijske krajine Ljubljanskega barja: repaljščico (Saxicola rubetra), drevesno cipo (Anthus trivialis) in rjavo penico (Curruca communis) in kartirali habitatne tipe na izbranih kvadratih. Popisi ptic so bili narejeni v letih 1989–1996 in ponovno 2020–2021 na 41 kvadratih s stranico 1 km. Habitatne tipe smo kartirali na štirih kvadratih v letu 2024 in jih primerjali s kartiranji v letih 1999 in 2007. Rezultati kažejo znaten upad populacij: populacija repaljščice se je zmanjšala za 64 %, populacija drevesne cipe za 51 % in rjave penice za 15 %. Upad populacij je najverjetneje povezan z izginjanjem ekstenzivnih travniških habitatnih tipov, kot so oligotrofni mokrotni travniki, in naraščanjem obsega intenzivnih travnikov, njiv in pašnikov, ki niso primerni za talne gnezdilke. Največji upad gnezdečih parov je bil zabeležen na območjih, kjer se je močno zmanjšala površina optimalnega habitata. Primer je kvadrat pri Bevkah, kjer je zaradi povečanja površine pašnikov, nasada borovnic in zaraščanja grmovja izginilo 17,5 ha optimalnega habitata, kar je privedlo do 47 % upada populacije repaljščice in 50 % upada drevesne cipe. Izraziti upadi populacij poudarjajo potrebo po ohranjanju ekstenzivnih travnikov za zaščito travniških ptic.

Keywords:repaljščica, drevesna cipa, rjava penica, populacijski upad, Ljubljansko barje, kmetijska krajina, kartiranje habitatov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Knez]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161857 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207592963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Title:The population trend of three meadow bird species on Ljubljana moor: comparing population size data from twenty-five years ago and today
Due to recorded declines in grassland bird species, we investigated the populations of three grassland bird species in the agricultural landscape of the Ljubljana Marsh: the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), the Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis), and the Common Whitethroat (Curruca communis), and mapped habitat types in selected squares. Bird surveys were conducted from 1989 to 1996 and again from 2020 to 2021 in 41 squares, each with a side length of 1 km. Habitat types were mapped in four squares in 2024 and compared with the mappings from 1999 and 2007. The results show a significant population decline: the Whinchat population decreased by 64%, the population of Tree Pipit by 51%, and the Common Whitethroat by 15%. The population decline is most likely associated with the disappearance of extensive grassland habitat types, such as oligotrophic wet meadows, and the increase in the extent of intensive meadows, arable fields, and pastures, which are unsuitable for ground-nesting birds. The most significant declines in breeding pairs were recorded in areas where the area of optimal habitat significantly decreased. An example is the square near Bevke, where 17.5 ha of optimal habitat disappeared due to the expansion of pastures, blueberry plantations, and shrub encroachment, leading to a 47 % decline in the Whinchat population and a 50 % decline in the Tree Pipit population. The pronounced population declines highlight the need to preserve extensive grasslands to protect grassland birds.

Keywords:Whinchat, Tree Pipit, Common Whitethroat, Ljubljansko barje/Ljubljana Moor, agricultural landscape, habitat mapping

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