
Primerjava različnih sort industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa) za namen pridelave kanabinoidov
ID Vengar, Miha (Author), ID Flajšman, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali različne sorte industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.). Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti, katera sorta je najbolj primerna za pridelavo kanabinoidov. Za poskus smo izbrali 11 sort, 'Berry Blossom', 'Northwest', 'Midwest', 'CBG' in 'Enectaliana', ki so feminizirane, in 'Carmagnola', 'Dioica 88', 'Fibranova', 'Kompolti', 'Tiborszallasi' in 'Elleta Campana', ki so dvodomne. Ženske rastline smo gojili od maja do septembra leta 2023 v okolici Krškega, pri gostoti 1 rastlina na m2. Pri polovici rastlin vsake sorte smo po dveh tednih rasti na njivi izvedli ukrep vršičkanja. Med rastno dobo smo nabrali po 30 listov na sorto za podatke o površini lista, številu lističev in širini glavnega lističa. Po žetvi (konec septembra in v oktobru) smo rastline ločili na stebla in socvetja z listi ter jih stehtali pred in po sušenju. Vsebnosti kanabinoidov v suhih socvetjih z listi smo merili s tehniko visoko ločljivostne tekočinske kromatografije (HPLC) in z napravo GemmaCert (NIRS tehnologija). Vršičkanje na končno višino rastlin ni vplivalo, je pa povzročilo večji pridelek suhih socvetij z listi pri večini sort. Ugotovili smo, da merjenje vsebnosti kanabinoidov v socvetjih z listi z napravo GemmaCert ni natančno, saj v vzorcih v primerjavi s tehniko HPLC pokaže preveč ⠆9-tetrahidrokanabinola (THC) in premalo kanabidiola (CBD). Največji pridelek CBD v suhih socvetjih z listi so dosegle vršičkane rastline sorte 'Midwest' (42,5 g na rastlino), največji pridelek kanabigerola (CBG) pa vršičkane rastline sorte 'Berry Blossom' (42,3 g na rastlino) in linije CBGo (32,0 g na rastlino). V nasprotju z ženskimi dvodomnimi rastlinami so sorte feminiziranih rastlin več suhe snovi kopičile v socvetjih z listi kot pa v steblih. Sorte so se razlikovale tudi po morfometriji listov: feminizrane sorte so imele v povprečju manjšo površino listov in list sestavljen iz manjšega števila lističev kot dvodomne sorte. Najširši glavni listič sta imeli sorta 'Berry Blossom' (57,69 mm) in linija CBGo (48,97 mm), medtem ko med ostalimi sortami ni bilo večjih razlik. Lastnosti listov niso bile povezane z vsebnostjo kanabinoidov.

Keywords:industrijska konoplja, Cannabis sativa, kanabinoidi, morfološke lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161854 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207613443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of different varieties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) for the production of cannabinoids
In the diploma thesis, we examined different varieties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The aim was to find out which variety is best suited for the production of cannabinoids. We selected 11 varieties for the experiment, 'Berry Blossom', 'Northwest', 'Midwest', 'CBG' and 'Enectaliana', which are feminized, and 'Carmagnola', 'Dioica 88', 'Fibranova', 'Kompolti', 'Tiborszallasi' and 'Elleta Campana', which are dioecious. The female plants were grown in 2023 from May to September near Krško at a density of 1 plant per m2. We topped half of the plants of each variety after two weeks of growth in the field. During the growth period, we collected 30 leaves per variety to obtain data on the leaf area, the number of leaflets and the width of the main leaflet. After harvest (end of September and in October), we separated the plants into stems and inflorescences with leaves and weighed them before and after drying. The cannabinoid content in the dry inflorescences with leaves was measured using High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and the GemmaCert device (NIRS technology). Topping had no major effect on the final height of the plants, but resulted in a higher yield of dry inflorescences with leaves in most varieties. We found that the determination of the cannabinoid content of inflorescences with leaves with the GemmaCert device is not accurate, as it shows too much of ⠆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and too little of cannabidiol (CBD) in the samples compared to the HPLC technique. The highest CBD yield in dry inflorescences with leaves was obtained from cut plants of the 'Midwest' variety (42.5 g per plant) and the highest cannabigerol (CBG) yield was obtained from cut plants of the 'Berry Blossom' variety (42.3 g per plant) and of CBGo line (32.0 g per plant). Female plants of feminized varieties invested more dry matter into inflorescences with leaves compared to the stems when compared to dioecious female plants. The varieties differed in leaf morphometry. Feminized varieties had on average a smaller leaf area and a leaf consisting of fewer leaflets than dioecious varieties. The 'Berry Blossom' variety (57.69 mm) and the CBGo line (48.97 mm) had the widest main leaflet, while there were no major differences between the other varieties. The leaf characteristics were not related to the cannabinoid content.

Keywords:industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa, cannabinoids, morphological properties

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