
Doživljanje avtentične ženstvenosti : magistrsko delo
ID Smerajec, Katja (Author), ID Erzar, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen raziskave je bil raziskati doživljanje avtentične ženstvenosti med ženskami ter preučiti, kako družbeni, psihološki in biološki dejavniki vplivajo na ta proces. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na razumevanje, kako ženske zaznavajo in izražajo svojo ženstvenost na avtentičen način, kljub pritiskom družbenih norm in spolnih stereotipov. Raziskava temelji na kvalitativni metodologiji, natančneje na fenomenološki analizi, ki omogoča globlji vpogled v osebne izkušnje in doživljanja udeleženk. Poglobljeni intervjuji so bili izvedeni z ženskami iz različnih starostnih skupin in družbenih okolij, da bi zajeli širok spekter perspektiv in izkušenj. S tem pristopom smo pridobili dragocene vpoglede v individualne poti žensk k avtentični ženstvenosti in izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo na tej poti. Sklep raziskave poudarja, da je avtentična ženstvenost kompleksna in večplastna izkušnja, ki zahteva zavestno delo na samospoznanju, premagovanju družbenih stereotipov in iskanju podpore v skupnosti. Raziskava odpira nove priložnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje vpliva različnih družbenih, kulturnih in psiholoških dejavnikov na doživljanje avtentične ženstvenosti. Prav tako poudarja pomembnost zavedanja in preseganja družinskih vzorcev in družbenih pritiskov, kar ženskam omogoča, da razvijajo in izražajo svojo ženstvenost na način, ki je skladen z njihovo notranjo identiteto. Magistrska naloga ponuja vpogled v sodobno ženstvenost ter odpira prostor za nadaljnje raziskave vpliva družbenih, kulturnih in psiholoških dejavnikov na doživljanje avtentične ženstvenosti.

Keywords:avtentičnost, ženstvenost, spolna identiteta, spolni stereotipi, družbeni vplivi, osebna rast
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Smerajec]
Number of pages:VIII,118, I str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161826 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208807939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Title:Experiencing authentic femininity
The purpose of the research was to explore the experience of authentic femininity among women and to examine how social, psychological, and biological factors influence this process. The master's thesis focuses on understanding how women perceive and express their femininity authentically, despite the pressures of societal norms and gender stereotypes. The research is based on a qualitative methodology, specifically phenomenological analysis, which provides a deeper insight into the personal experiences and perceptions of the participants. In-depth interviews were conducted with women from different age groups and social backgrounds to capture a wide range of perspectives and experiences. This approach allowed researchers to gain valuable insights into the individual journeys of women toward authentic femininity and the challenges they face along the way. The conclusion of the research emphasizes that authentic femininity is a complex and multifaceted experience that requires conscious effort in self-discovery, overcoming social stereotypes, and seeking support within communities. The study opens new opportunities for further research on the impact of various social, cultural, and psychological factors on the experience of authentic femininity. It also highlights the importance of self-awareness in transcending familial patterns and social pressures, enabling women to develop and express their femininity in a way that aligns with their inner identity. The master's thesis offers insights into contemporary femininity and paves the way for further research on the influence of social, cultural, and psychological factors on the experience of authentic femininity.

Keywords:authenticity, femininity, gender identity, gender stereotypes, social influences, personal growth

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