
Krajevna skupnost kot ožji del samoupravne lokalne skupnosti: primer sodelovanja Krajevne skupnosti Bertoki in Mestne občine Koper
ID Vukovič, Nejka (Author), ID Haček, Miro (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kadar govorimo o lokalni skupnosti, govorimo o družbeni skupnosti na določenem ozemlju, ki lahko zajema več delov te skupnosti oziroma naselij. Gre za skupnost, ki je nastala naravno zaradi naseljevanja ljudi na določenemu ozemlju, prebivalce te skupnosti pa združujejo skupni interesi in potrebe. Za njeno uresničevanje teh se organizirajo v neko strukturo, ki temelji na normah in pravilih, kar pripelje do lokalne samouprave. Temeljna oblika lokalne samouprave v Sloveniji je občina, ki je lahko razdeljena na več ožjih delov. V diplomskem delu proučujemo sodelovanje občine in njenega ožjega dela. Kot primer smo vzeli Mestno občino Koper in njen ožji del, Krajevno skupnost Bertoki. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da Mestna občina Koper zelo dobro sodeluje s Krajevno skupnostjo Bertoki, kar je zelo pomembno za izvajanje vseh nalog. Mestna občina Koper ima zelo pomembno vlogo, saj je Krajevna skupnost Bertoki, ki ima lastna finančna sredstva, v veliki meri odvisna tudi od finančnih sredstev občinskega proračuna, poleg tega pa so tudi vse končne odločitve prepuščene v odločanje občinskim organom. Krajevna skupnost Bertoki ima kot ožji del Mestne občine Koper tako imenovano posvetovalno vlogo, kjer njeni prebivalci sodelujejo in s participacijo tudi sooblikujejo lokalno politiko in s tem celotno samoupravno lokalno skupnost.

Keywords:lokalna skupnost, lokalna samouprava, mestna občina, ožji del občine, krajevna skupnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161820 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The sub-local community as a smaller part of a self-governing local community: the case of cooperation between the Sub-local community of Bertoki and the Municipality of Koper
When we talk about a local community, we are talking about a social community in a specific territory, which may include several parts of that community or settlements. It is a community that has arisen naturally as a result of human settlement in a specific territory and whose inhabitants are united by common interests and needs. To achieve these, they organise themselves into a structure based on norms and rules, leading to local self-government. The basic form of local self-government in Slovenia is the municipality, which may be divided into several smaller parts. In this thesis, we examine the relationship between a municipality and its smaller part. We take as an example the Municipality of Koper and its smaller part, Sub-local community of Bertoki. It was found that the Municipality of Koper cooperates very well with the Sub-local community of Bertoki, which is very important for the performance of all tasks. The Municipality of Koper has a significant role, because the Sub-local community of Bertoki, which has its own financial resources, also depends to a large extent on the municipal budget, and all final decisions are left to the municipal authorities. As a smaller part of the Municipality of Koper, Bertoki has a so-called consultative role, where its inhabitants participate and, through participation, co-shape local policy and the entire self-governing local community.

Keywords:local community, local self-government, municipality, smaller part of municipality, sub-local community

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