
Trendi intenzivnih padavin v Sloveniji v obdobju 1961–2020
ID Mužina, Gašper (Author), ID Ogrin, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Intenzivne padavine sodijo med ekstremne vremenske dogodke. Delijo se na nalive, obilne padavine in večdnevne padavine, o njih pa govorimo, ko količina padavin na nekem območju znatno presega običajno. Slovenija je zaradi svoje specifične lege, razgibanega reliefa in podnebnih razmer izpostavljena hitrim vremenskim spremembam. V diplomskem delu sem najprej predstavil teoretična izhodišča, v drugem delu metodologijo dela, osrednji del raziskave je bil tretji del, v katerem sem na več ravneh kartografsko, grafično in tabelarno analiziral trende intenzivnih padavin v Sloveniji v obdobju 1961–2020, v zadnjem delu pa so bile predstavljene še okoljske posledice intenzivnih padavin. Ugotovil sem, da je kljub rahli tendenci zniževanja povprečne letne količine padavin v Sloveniji, trend intenzivnih padavin naraščajoč za število dni z višino padavin nad 30 in 50 mm, ne pa tudi za število dni z višino padavin nad 70 mm. Prostorska razporeditev števila dni intenzivnih padavin je podobna prostorski razporeditvi povprečne letne količine padavin, z obema padavinskima režimoma v Sloveniji pa se ujema tudi sezonski razpored absolutnih letnih padavinskih maksimumov (kraji z zmerno sredozemskim padavinskim režimom imajo absolutni letni padavinski maksimum v jesenskem času, kraji z zmerno celinskim padavinskim režimom pa v poletnem času).

Keywords:Klimatogeografija, intenzivne padavine, podnebne spremembe, padavinske postaje, Slovenija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Trends of intense precipitation in Slovenia in the period 1961–2020
Heavy rainfall is an extreme weather event. They are divided into torrential downpours, heavy rainfall and multi-day rainfall events, which occur when the amount of rainfall in an area is significantly higher than normal. Slovenia is exposed to rapid weather changes due to its specific location, rugged terrain and climatic conditions. In my thesis, I first presented the theoretical background, in the second part I presented the methodology of the work, the central part of the research was the third part, in which I analysed the trends of intense precipitation events in Slovenia in the period 1961‒2020 on several levels, cartographically, graphically and in tables, and in the last part the environmental consequences of intense precipitation events were also presented. I found that, despite a slight downward trend in average annual precipitation in Slovenia, the trend in intense precipitation is upward for the number of days with precipitation above 30 and 50 mm, but not for the number of days with precipitation above 70 mm. The spatial distribution of the number of days of intense rainfall is similar to the spatial distribution of average annual rainfall, and the seasonal distribution of absolute annual rainfall maxima also corresponds to the two rainfall regimes in Slovenia (places with a moderate Mediterranean rainfall regime have an absolute annual rainfall maximum in autumn, while places with a moderate continental rainfall regime have an absolute annual rainfall maximum in summer).

Keywords:Climatogeography, intense precipitation, climate change, precipitation stations, Slovenia.

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