
Ekonomskogeografska analiza podjetja Tinex, d.o.o.
ID Rozman, Lara (Author), ID Kušar, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D369DB8B37DDD982B2017E1E2F9280C6

Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti ekonomskogeografsko analizo podjetja Tinex, d.o.o. V uvodnem delu je predstavljena strategija delovanja multinacionalk v tujih državah in njeni vplivi na lokalno podjetje ter vloga majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij tako na globalnem trgu kot v Sloveniji. V glavnem delu je preučevano podjetje Tinex, d.o.o. Določeni so lokacijski dejavniki, ki so vplivali na današnjo lokacijo podjetja, predstavljeni so tudi prodajni izdelki in njihovo tržišče ter vpetost in vloga podjetja Tinex, d.o.o. v industrijski družbi Axel Johnson International. Zanimala me je tudi vključenost podjetja v lokalno okolje in načini njegovega delovanja v skladu s smernicami trajnostnega razvoja.

Keywords:ekonomska geografija, multinacionalna podjetja, majhna in srednje velika podjetja, lokacijski dejavniki, Tinex, d.o.o.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161800 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Title:Economicgeographical analysis of the Tinex, d.o.o. company
The aim of this thesis is to present an economic geographic analysis of the company Tinex, d.o.o. In the introductory part, the strategy of multinational companies in foreign countries and its impact on local companies is presented, as well as the role of small and medium-sized enterprises both on the global market and in Slovenia. The main part of the paper focuses on the company Tinex, d.o.o. It identifies the locational factors that have influenced the current location of the company, presents the products sold and their market, and the involvement and role of Tinex, d.o.o. in the industrial company Axel Johnson International. I was also interested in the company's involvement in the local environment and the ways in which operates in line with sustainable development guidelines.

Keywords:economic geography, multinational enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, location factors, Tinex, d.o.o.

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