
Eksperimentalno modeliranje kavitacijskih pogojev z namenom preučevanja kemijskih učinkov
ID Marinko, Jernej (Author), ID Petkovšek, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupanc, Mojca (Comentor)

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V današnjem času se vse bolj zavedamo potrebe po energiji ter vpliva na okolje, ki ga povzročamo. V vodne vire vstopajo škodljive snovi, ki ogrožajo zdravje ljudi in negativno vplivajo na okolje. Te snovi je potrebno odstraniti ter s tem ohranjati čisto vodo, hkrati pa je potrebno stremeti k čim nižji porabi energije na čistilnih napravah. Hidrodinamična kavitacija se je izkazala za potencialno tehnologijo, saj spada med zelene oksidacijske procese, kar pomeni, da ima manjši negativni vpliv na okolje v primerjavi z ostalimi tehnologijami čiščenja. Vendar pa je uporaba kavitacije za čiščenje odpadnih voda še relativno neraziskana, zato je potrebno najprej raziskati mehanizme, ki so odgovorni za pozitivne učinke. Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na optimizacijo geometrije kavitacijskega generatorja, s katero želimo spreminjati kavitacijske pogoje ter posledično povečati kemijske učinke. Z namenom raziskovanja učinkov geometrije smo izvedli vizualizacijo s hitro kamero ter sočasno merjenje tlačnih pulzacij. Raziskave smo naredili na različnih vzorcih kapljevin: raztopini salicilne kisline, raztopini H2O2 + RR120, raztopini H2O2, raztopini barvila RR120 ter vodi. Ugotovili smo, da so kemijski učinki kavitacije odvisni od kavitacijskih pogojev na katere vpliva geometrija rotorja, ter da obstaja povezava med nastankom OH radikalov in razgradnjo H2O2 med obratovanjem kavitacijskega generatorja.

Keywords:hidrodinamična kavitacija, rotacijski generator kavitacije, kemijski učinki kavitacije, vizualizacija toka tekočin, tlačne pulzacije, salicilna kislina, vodikov peroksid, barvilo RR120, hidroksilni radikal
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages:XXII, 73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161776 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:218692867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experimental modelling of cavitation conditions for the investigation of chemical effects
Nowadays we are increasingly aware of the need for energy and the impact we have on the environment. Harmful substances enter water sources, endangering human health and negatively affecting the environment. These substances need to be removed to keep the water clean, while at the same time striving to minimize energy consumption at wastewater treatment plants. Hydrodynamic cavitation has proven to be a potential technology as it is one of the green oxidation processes, which means that it has a lower negative impact on the environment compared to other treatment technologies. However, the use of cavitation for wastewater treatment is still relatively unexplored and the mechanisms responsible for the positive effects need to be investigated first. This Master's thesis concentrates on optimizing the cavitation generator geometry, aiming at altering the cavitation conditions and, consequently increasing the chemical effects. In order to investigate the effects of the geometry, we performed high-speed camera visualization and simultaneous measurements of pressure pulsations. The experiments were carried out on different liquid samples: salicylic acid solution, H2O2+ RR120 solution, H2O2 solution, RR120 dye solution, and water. We found that the chemical effects of cavitation depend on the cavitation conditions, which are influenced by the geometry of the rotor, and that there is a correlation between the formation of OH radicals and the decomposition of H2O2.

Keywords:hydrodynamic cavitation, rotary cavitation generator, chemical effects of cavitation, fluid flow visualization, pressure pulsations, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, RR120 dye, hydroxyl radical

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