
Stališča primorskih učiteljev predmeta šport do otrok z avtističnimi motnjami
ID Klinec, Blaž (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtistične motnje ali motnje avtističnega spektra predstavljajo razvojno motnjo, katere pogostost se je v zadnjih dvajsetih letih močno povečala. S tem je postala tudi ena izmed najhitreje naraščajočih razvojnih motenj. Da je osebam z omenjeno motnjo omogočeno kar se da kakovostno življenje, je potrebno sodelovanje tako zdravstvenega, socialnega in izobraževalnega področja. V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili predvsem na izobraževalno področje, kjer smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna stališča imajo primorski učitelji, ki poučujejo predmet šport, do otrok z avtističnimi motnjami, in kako se le-ta razlikujejo glede na spol, izkušnje in izobrazbeni profil. V raziskavo v sklopu projekta Športni AS je bilo vključenih 85 učiteljev iz 11 primorskih osnovnih šol. Od tega je bilo 77 z izobrazbo učitelja športa ali razrednega učitelja ali specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga. Stališča učiteljev smo preverjali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil sestavljen iz trditev, na katera so odgovarjali v skladu s strinjanjem (Likertova lestvica 1 – 5). Podatke smo statistično obdelali v programu IBM SPSS. Zastavljene hipoteze smo preverili s pomočjo t-testa za neodvisne vzorce in analize variance (ANOVA). Ugotovili smo, da so učitelji imeli v povprečju pozitivno naravnana stališča do otrok z avtističnimi motnjami. Kar se tiče razlik glede na spol, izkušnje in izobrazbeni profil nismo dobili statistično značilnih razlik.

Keywords:avtistične motnje, stališča, učitelji športa, razredni učitelji, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of physical education teachers, class teachers and special education teachers of Primorska region towards children with autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder represent a developmental disorder whose incidence has increased significantly in the last twenty years. With this, it has also become one of the fastest growing developmental disorders. In order to enable people with this disorder to have the best possible quality of life, it is necessary to cooperate in the medical, social and educational fields. In the master's thesis, we focused primarily on the educational field, where we wanted to find out what attitudes Primorska teachers who teach physical eduaction towards children with autism spectrum disorder, and how they differ according to gender, experience and educational profile. The research as part of the Športni AS project included 85 teachers from 11 primary schools in Primorska. Of these, 77 were with a background as a physical education teacher or class teacher or special eduaction teacher. Teachers' attitudes were checked by means of a questionnaire consisting of statements to which they answered in accordance with agreement (Likert scale 1 – 5). The data were statistically processed in the IBM SPSS program. The hypotheses were verified using t-test for independent samples and analysis of variance (ANOVA). We found that, on average, teachers had positive attitudes towards children with autism spectrum disorder. As far as differences in gender, experience and educational profile are concerned, we did not get statistically significant differences.

Keywords:autism spectrum disorder, attitudes, physical education teachers, class teachers, special education teachers

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