
Mitološka bitja v mojem slikarstvu : diplomsko delo
ID Grešak, Marja (Author), ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Teoretični del diplomske naloge sprva obravnava področje mitološkega slikarstva, predvsem na zahodu, kjer ima ta žanr zelo močno zgodovino, ki je vplivala na umetnost velikega dela sveta. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela predstavim ilustracijo kot žanr slikarstva, saj je ta povezava pomembna v mojem praktičnem delu. Za tem predstavim tri slovenske umetnike, ki me s svojim delom že več let navdihujejo. Zadnje poglavje teoretičnega dela pa je namenjeno raziskavi verovanj in mitologije kot ključnemu delu življenja ameriških in laponskih staroselcev. V empiričnem delu opisujem izbrana bitja iz omenjenih mitologij, katerih lastnosti nato izrazim v japonski pesniški obliki haiku, katere značilna lastnost je, da izpostavi bistvo. Zatem napisano poezijo ilustriram v akvarelni tehniki v dveh ali največ treh različnih barvah, saj lovim ravnotežje med tem, da tako kot haiku v parih besedah povzame bistvo, ga tud ilustracija v omejeni barvni paleti. V ustvarjanju iščem svoj individualni izraz, skozi katerega lahko bitja, ki jih ilustriram, »začutim« v njihovem svetu in energiji, ki so jim jo pripisovala ljudstva. Vsebina ilustracij so predvsem živali in duhovni svet. Temo sem izbrala, ker sem se na svojih potovanjih v zadnjih dveh letih zelo navdušila nad izbrano mitologijo in sem diplomsko nalogo želela vzeti kot priložnost, da se v to poglobim in oživim na način, s katerim se najraje izražam – z ilustriranjem haikujev.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, Likovna umetnost in mitologija, Haiku, mitološko slikarstvo, staroselska mitologija Amerike, staroselska mitologija Laponske, ilustracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Celje [i.e. Ljubljana]
Publisher:M. Grešak
Number of pages:67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161757 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207616515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Mythological creatures in my paintings
At first the theoretical part of the thesis deals with the field of mythological paintings, especially in the west, where this genre has a very strong history that has influenced the art of much of the world. In the second part of the theoretical part I introduce illustration as a genre of painting, as this connection is important in my practical work. After that, I introduce three Slovenian artists who have inspired me with their work for many years. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the study of beliefs and mythology as a key part of the life of Native Americans and Lapps. In the empirical part, I describe selected creatures from these mythologies, whose characteristics I then express in the Japanese poetic form of haiku, which is characterised by its emphasis on the essence. I illustrate the poetry I write after this in watercolour in two or at most three different colours, because I am striking a balance between the fact that just as the haiku sums up the essence in a few words, so does the illustration in a limited colour palette. In my work, I look for my own individual expression, through which I can "feel" the creatures I illustrate in their world and the energy that peoples have attributed to them. The subject matter of my illustrations is mainly animals and the spiritual world. I chose the theme because I have become very fascinated by my chosen mythology during my travels over the last two years and I wanted to take my thesis as an opportunity to delve deeper into it and bring it to life in the way I like to express myself most - by illustrating haiku.

Keywords:mythological painting, indigenous mythology of the Americas, indigenous mythology of Lapland, illustration, haiku

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