
Razvoj aplikacije za izboljšanje glasbene percepcije pri otrocih
ID Pangeršič, Bor (Author), ID Pesek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Laure, Maruša (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi naslavljamo problem razvoja glasbene percepcije pri otrocih s posebnim poudarkom na sposobnosti prepoznavanja tonskih višin, ki je ključna za razvoj slušnih sposobnosti. Za reševanje tega problema smo razvili aplikacijo Trubadurček, ki vključuje dve interaktivni igri: igro s spominom, kjer otroci razpoznavajo zvoke in sosledja, ter igro z račkami, kjer se račke oglašajo z različnimi toni, cilj pa je razpoznavati tonske višine. V razvojnih fazah smo tesno sodelovali z glasbenimi pedagogi, da bi optimizirali izobraževalni proces in zagotovili, da igre napredujejo v skladu z otrokovimi sposobnostmi. V aplikacijo smo vključili tudi sistem povratnih informacij, ki otrokom omogoča, da razumejo svoje napake in se iz njih učijo. Evalvacija aplikacije je potekala z uporabo strukturiranega opazovanja in analize odzivov predšolskih otrok, starih med 5 in 6 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da otroci na splošno dobro razumejo funkcionalnosti aplikacije in so izkazali veliko motivacijo ter zanimanje za igro. Opažanja so nakazala, da bi izboljšave v jasnosti navodil in povratnih informacij ob zaključku iger še dodatno podprle učni proces. Težave z gesto drsenja (angl. swiping) so pri igri z račkami pokazale, da bi bilo treba izboljšati intuitivnost gest, kar bi otrokom še dodatno olajšalo interakcijo z aplikacijo.

Keywords:glasbena percepcija, razpoznava tonskih višin, razpoznava zvokov, aplikacija za otroke, interaktivne igre, motorične sposobnosti, kognitivni razvoj, uporabniška izkušnja, evalvacija aplikacije, predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161746 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of an application for improving music perception in children
In this thesis, we address the problem of developing musical perception in children, with a particular focus on the ability to recognize pitch, which is essential for their auditory development. To solve this issue, we developed the application "Trubadurček," which includes two interactive games: a memory game where children recognize sounds, and a duck game where ducks make sounds at various pitches, with the goal being to recognize these pitches. Throughout the development process, we worked closely with music educators to optimize the educational process and ensure that the games effectively progressed in line with the children's abilities. We also included a feedback system in the application, which allows children to understand their mistakes and learn from them. The evaluation of the application was conducted using structured observation and analysis of responses from preschool children aged between 5 and 6 years. The results showed that the children generally understood the functionalities of the application well and demonstrated great motivation and interest in playing the interactive games. However, observations also indicated that improvements in the clarity of instructions and feedback at the end of games would further support the learning process. Additionally, difficulties with the swiping gesture in the duck game suggested that the intuitiveness of gestures needs to be improved to facilitate children's interaction with the application.

Keywords:musical perception, pitch recognition, sound recognition, children's app, interactive games, motor skills, cognitive development, user experience, app evaluation, preschool education

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