
Karakterizacija nastalih prašnih delcev pri poliranju v kovinski industriji
ID Bekelja, Nadja (Author), ID Bešter-Rogač, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čist zrak je ključen za ohranjanje zdravja človeškega organizma. Žal se pomena čistega zraka pogosto zavemo šele v izrednih razmerah, ko zraka ni dovolj ali ko je onesnažen s škodljivimi snovmi, kar se lahko zgodi pri različnih delovnih procesih. Aerosoli so disperzni sistemi tekočih ali trdnih delcev, suspendiranih v plinu, običajno v zraku. Delci, ki so dovolj majhni, da lebdijo v zraku in so zato stalno prisotni, lahko vstopijo v dihala skozi nos ali usta. Tveganje za zdravstvene težave zaradi izpostavljenosti trdnim delcem v zraku je odvisno predvsem od njihove koncentracije v okolju, vrste delcev, velikostnega spektra, oblike delcev, trajanja izpostavljenosti in načina dela. V tem delu smo v polirnici, kjer brusijo in polirajo kovinske izdelke, preučevali prisotnost trdnih delcev (prahu) titana in nerjavečega jekla (inoks). Z osebnim dozimetrom smo določili koncentracije inhalabilne in alveolarne frakcije prisotnih delcev, kar nam je omogočilo oceno količine prahu, ki ga delavec vdihne med 8-urnim delovnim časom. Ugotovili smo, da je koncentracija prahu v prostoru znatno višja od dovoljene mejne vrednosti za poklicno izpostavljenost. Čeprav naj bi bili delci titana in inoksa netoksični in torej ne bi predstavljali specifične škodljivosti, vseeno predstavljajo tujke za telo, kar lahko povzroči vnetne reakcije in druge zdravstvene težave. Pri preverjanju učinkovitosti že predpisane osebne varovalne opreme za zaščito dihal smo ugotovili, da je zaščitna maska FFP2 ustrezna za zaščito pri ugotovljeni koncentraciji prašnih delcev. Odpraševalni sistem, ki je trenutno nameščen v polirnici, ne zagotavlja zadostnega odstranjevanja prašnih delcev iz prostora, zato je uporaba zaščitnih mask nujna. V prihodnje bo treba sprejeti dodatne ukrepe, kot so izboljšanje sistema odsesavanja ali uvedba novih tehnologij. Ključno je tudi izobraževanje delavcev o tveganjih, povezanih s prahom, ter o pravilni uporabi ustrezne osebne varovalne opreme.

Keywords:aerosoli, prah, alveolarna in inhalabilna frakcija, kovinski prah, poliranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161734 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of polished dust particles in the metal industry
Clean air is essential for maintaining the health of the human body. Unfortunately, we often become aware of the importance of clean air under exceptional circumstances, namely when the air is inadequate or polluted with harmful substances, which can occur during various work processes. Aerosols are dispersions of liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas, usually in the air. Particles that are small enough to remain suspended in the air and thus constantly present can be inhaled through the nose or mouth. The risk of health impairment due to exposure to airborne solid particles depends primarily on their concentration in the environment, the type of particles, the size distribution, the shape of the particles, the duration of exposure, and the type of work. In this study, we examined the presence of solid particles (dust) of titanium and stainless steel (inox) in the polishing hall, where metal products are ground and polished. Using a personal dosimeter, we determined the concentrations of the inhalable and respirable fractions of the particles present, which allowed us to estimate the amount of dust inhaled by a worker during an 8-hour working day. We found that the dust concentration in the room is significantly higher than the permissible occupational exposure limit. Although titanium and inox particles are not considered toxic and therefore should not cause any particular additional harm, they are still foreign bodies for the organism that can trigger inflammatory reactions and other health problems. When assessing the effectiveness of the prescribed personal protective equipment for respiratory protection, it was found that the FFP2 protective mask provides sufficient protection at the observed dust particle concentration. The dust extraction system currently installed in the polishing room does not provide sufficient dust removal, so the use of protective masks is necessary. Additional measures must be taken in the future, such as improving the extraction system or introducing new technologies. It is also important to educate workers about the risks associated with dust and the proper use of adequate personal protective equipment.

Keywords:aerosols, dust, alveolar and respirable fraction, metal dust, polishing

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