
Vpliv bizmuta na mikrostrukturne in mehanske lastnosti kobaltove superzlitine Stellite®21 v kolesih centrifuge za razvlaknjevanje steklene volne.
ID Zarnik, Krištof (Author), ID Mrvar, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jan, Primož (Comentor)

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo v prvem delu opisali centrifugo za razvlaknjevanje, kolo za razvlaknjevanje in postopek razvlaknjevanja mineralne steklene volne. Opisali smo kobalt, bizmut in kobaltovo superzlitino Stellite21. Opisali smo tudi, kako pride do povečanih koncentracij bizmuta v zlitini za kolesa za razvlaknjevanje mineralne steklene volne. Razložili smo, kaj so elementi v sledovih in zakaj pomembno vplivajo na mehanske lastnosti zlitin. Opisali smo tudi postopek preizkusa korozijske odpornosti ob stiku s staljenim steklom, ki se izvaja po internem standardu podjetja Knauf Insulation. Obravnavali smo kobaltovo superzlitino Stellite21 in vpliv bizmuta na njene mehanske lastnosti. V zlitino Stellite21 smo dodali zelo majhno koncentracijo bizmuta in izdelali preizkusne palice. Iz preizkusnih palic smo izdelali vzorce za preizkus različnih mehanskih lastnosti. Opravili smo preizkus natezne trdnosti, preizkus udarne žilavosti, preizkus trdote, preizkus odpornosti proti lezenju in preizkus korozijske odpornosti ob stiku s staljenim steklom. Opravili smo tudi analizo mikrostrukture z optičnim in vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom. Rezultate izvedenih preizkusov mehanskih lastnosti in analize mikrostrukture zlitine Stellite21 z dodatkom bizmuta smo primerjali z rezultati zlitine Stellite21

Keywords:steklena volna, razvlaknjevanje, kobalt, bizmut, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Effect of bismuth on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Stellite®21 cobalt superalloy in a spinner for glass mineral wool fiberizer.
In the first part of the thesis, we described the fiberizing centrifuge, the fiberizing wheel and fiberizing process for the production of mineral glass wool. We have described cobalt, bismuth and the cobalt superalloy Stellite21. We have also described how increased concentrations of bismuth occur in the alloy used for fiberizing wheels. We have explained what trace elements are and why they have an important influence on the mechanical properties of alloys. We also described the corrosion resistance process in contact with molten glass, which is carried out according to Knauf Insulation's internal standard. We have discussed the cobalt superalloy Stellite21 and the influence of bismuth on its mechanical properties. A very low concentration of bismuth was added to Stellite21, and test bars were produced. The test bars were used to produce samples to test different mechanical properties. We carried out a tensile strength test, an impact toughness test, a hardness test, a creep resistance test and a molten glass corrosion resistance test. Microstructural analysis was also carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopes. The results of the mechanical properties tests and microstructural analysis of the Stellite21 alloy with bismuth addition were compared with those of Stellite21.

Keywords:glass wool, fiberizing, cobalt, bismuth, mechanical properties

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