
ID Prodan, Patrik (Author), ID Beškovnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na ključne vloge in naloge sekcije pristaniških špediterjev, ki delujejo v okviru Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije (GZS). V nalogi raziskujem vlogo pristaniških špediterjev v procesu pomorske logistike, kjer zagotavljajo nemoten pretok tovora ter optimizacijo logističnih procesov v koprskem pristanišču. Pomorska logistika omogoča učinkovit prevoz blaga po svetovnih morjih, kjer ni osredotočenost le na pomorskem prevozu, temveč tudi na uspešni organizaciji kopenskih prevozov do in iz pristanišč. V nalogi je predstavljena organizacija pomorskih prevozov, ki vključuje procese organizacije pomorskih prevozov, načrtovanja poti, upravljanja ladjevja, upravljanja tovora, izstavitve in prenosa dokumentacije in urejanje carinskega statusa blagu na prevozu. Pristaniški špediter mora pri tem zagotavljati brezhibno komunikacijo, obvladovanje tveganj, varovanje tovora in osebja ter zasledovati tudi okolju prijazne procese. S tem je podan poudarek na usposobljenem kadru in vzpostavitvi standardov kakovosti delovanja. Sekcija pristaniških špediterjev ima ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju varnosti, učinkovitosti in konkurenčnosti pristaniških storitev koprskega pristanišča. Pri tem aktivno sodeluje z organizacijami, kot so CLECAT, FIATA, GZS in Zveza pomorsko prometnih agencij Slovenije, in sicer na področjih vzpostavljanja standardov in zastopanja interesov špediterjev. Pomorska logistika se srečuje z mnogimi izzivi kot so ostrejše okolijske regulative, geopolitične napetosti, varnostna tveganja in zamude pri prihodih ladjevja ter tovora. Iz pogovora s predstavnikom Sekcije pristaniških špediterjev je bilo razbrati, da se morajo špediterji usmeriti k uporabi naprednih tehnologij, digitalizaciji procesov in spodbujanju trajnostnih praks, za izboljšanje učinkovitosti in konkurenčnosti pomorske logistike, kar se nato pozitivno odrazi na delovanje logističnih verig.

Keywords:Pomorska logistika, pristaniški špediter, Sekcija pristaniških špediterjev, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, CLECAT, FIATA.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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The thesis focuses on the key roles and tasks of the Port Forwarders Section of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia). In the thesis, I investigate the role of port forwarders in the maritime logistics process, where they ensure the smooth flow of cargo and the optimisation of logistics processes in the port of Koper. Maritime logistics enables the efficient transport of goods across the world's seas, where the focus is not only on maritime transport, but also on the successful organisation of land transport to and from ports. The thesis presents the organisation of maritime transport, which includes the processes of organising maritime transport, route planning, fleet management, cargo management, issuing and transfer of documentation and the customs status of goods in transit. In doing so, the port forwarder must ensure seamless communication, risk management, security of cargo and personnel, and also pursue environmentally friendly processes. This places the emphasis on qualified staff and the establishment of quality standards of operation. The Port Forwarders' Association plays a key role in ensuring the safety, efficiency and competitiveness of port services through the Port of Koper. In this respect, it actively cooperates with organisations such as CLECAT, FIATA, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Association of Maritime Transport Agencies of Slovenia, in the areas of setting standards and representing the interests of freight forwarders. Maritime logistics faces many challenges such as stricter environmental regulations, geopolitical tensions, security risks and delays in fleet and cargo arrivals. It was clear from the discussion with the representative of the Association of Port Forwarders that forwarders need to focus on the use of advanced technologies, the digitisation of processes and the promotion of sustainable practices to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of maritime logistics, which in turn has a positive impact on the performance of logistics chains.

Keywords:Maritime logistics, port freight forwarder, Port Freight Forwarders Association, Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, CLECAT, FIATA.

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