
Dejavniki sreče v evropskem kontekstu: Primerjava med Slovenijo in Avstrijo
ID Klim, Klementina (Author), ID Uhan, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sreča je tisto, kar poskušamo doseči v svojem življenju, tisto, k čemur stremimo. Koncept sreče igra pomembno vlogo v življenju vsakega posameznika. Srečo raziskujemo, merimo, razčlenjujemo. Merjenje sreče predstavlja izziv, saj jo vsak doživlja subjektivno, a vendar obstajajo različne metode za njeno oceno. V svojem diplomskem delu sem najprej definirala pomen vrednot in sreče s ter opredelila dejavnike, ki vplivajo na srečo. Zanimali so me predvsem spol, dohodek, izobrazba, družina, zdravje in pogostost socialnih stikov, saj so ti elementi ključni za razumevanje razlik v občutenju sreče med posamezniki. Namen naloge je narediti primerjavo med dvema državama, in sicer med Slovenijo in Avstrijo, za vse izbrane spremenljivke. Ti dve državi imata podoben zgodovinsko-politični kontekst, obe sta srednjeevropski državi in obe imata model socialne države. V osrednjem delu naloge sem naredila analizo podatkov na podlagi rezultatov iz raziskave European Social Survey iz leta 2018. Z analizo sem potrdila oziroma ovrgla zastavljene hipoteze.

Keywords:vrednote, sreča, dejavniki sreče, primerjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161709 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Factors of happiness in the European context: A comparison between Slovenia and Austria
Happiness is what we strive to achieve in our lives, the goal we aim for. The concept of happiness plays an important role in the life of every individual. We explore, measure, and analyze happiness. Measuring happiness presents a challenge, as it is experienced subjectively by each person, yet various methods exist for its assessment. In my thesis, I first defined the significance of values and happiness, and identified the factors that influence happiness. I focused particularly on gender, income, education, family, health, and the frequency of social interactions, as these elements are crucial for understanding differences in how individuals experience happiness. The aim of the thesis was to compare two countries – Slovenia and Austria – across all selected variables. These two countries share a similar historical-political context, both are Central European countries, and both follow a social welfare model. In the central part of the thesis, I conducted data analysis based on the results from the 2018 European Social Survey. Through this analysis, I confirmed or refuted the stated hypotheses.

Keywords:values, happiness, factors of happiness, comparison

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