
Iskanje z zdravjem povezanih informacij na spletu s strani očetov oz. skrbnikov predšolskih otrok : diplomsko delo
ID Bešić, Sanel (Author), ID Atanasova, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Svetovni splet je spremenil dostopnost in način iskanja informacij, ki je postal bolj enostaven, brskanje po spletu pa igra večjo vlogo kot kadarkoli prej. Med pomembnimi uporabniki spleta so tudi starši, ki v skrbi za svojega otroka običajno izkažejo večjo potrebo po dodatnih informacijah v povezavi z zdravjem in nego otroka. Raziskave se pretežno osredotočajo na matere kot primarne iskalke z zdravjem povezanih spletnih informacij za svoje otroke, malo pa je študij, ki bi proučile vzorce iskanja z zdravjem povezanih informacij na spletu med očeti oz. skrbniki. Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti, na kakšen način očetje predšolskih otrok na spletu iščejo informacije o akutnih zdravstvenih težavah svojih otrok. V diplomski nalogi raziskujem razloge in motive očetov za iskanje z zdravjem povezanih spletnih informacij o akutnih zdravstvenih težavah svojih otrok, kako jih uporabijo in kako se na podlagi pridobljenih informacij odločajo ter katere so prednosti in slabosti tovrstnih informacij. Diplomska naloga temelji na manjši kvalitativni študiji, opravljeni s pomočjo poglobljenih pol-strukturiranih intervjujih z očeti predšolskih otrok (n=6). Zbrani podatki so analizirani s pomočjo deskriptivne kvalitativne analize. Ugotovil sem, da očetje udeleženi v raziskavi naloge aktivno iščejo z zdravjem povezane spletne informacije ob pojavu simptomov pri otrocih, te informacije tudi uporabijo in se na njihovi podlagi tudi odločajo. Zavedajo se njihovih prednosti in slabosti ter se jim tudi znajo ogniti. Izsledki takšne študije lahko ponudijo boljše razumevanje, kako očetje iščejo z zdravjem povezane spletne informacije. To lahko spodbudi izboljšavo spletnih strani, ki ponujajo tovrstne informacije, in so usmerjene v specifične segmente populacije, tudi očete.

Keywords:z zdravjem povezane spletne informacije, očetje, otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Bešić
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (63 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161699 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209559299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Searching for health-related information online by fathers or guardians of preschool children
World wide web changed accessibility and the way of searching information, which is easier than ever, web browsing is playing a bigger role than ever before. Important web users are also parents, who, in caring for their children, usually show a greater need for additional health-related information and childcare. Research mainly focuses on mothers as the primary searchers of online health-related information for their children, but few studies have examined patterns of online health-related information seeking among fathers or guardians. The aim of the thesis is to examine how fathers of preschool children search online for information about their children's acute health problems. In my thesis, I investigate the reasons and motives of fathers for searching for health-related online information about their child's acute health problems, how this information is used and how they make decisions based on it, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of those information. The thesis is based on small qualitative study, prepared with the help of in-depth semi-structured interviews with fathers of preschool children (n=6). The collected data are analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. I found that the fathers participating in the research are actively searching for health-related online information about the occurrence of symptoms in their children, use this information and make decisions based on it. They are aware of their advantages and disadvantages and know how to avoid them. The findings of such a study can offer a better understanding of how fathers search for health-related online information. This can encourage the improvement of websites that offer such information and are aimed at specific segments of the population, including fathers.

Keywords:health-related online information, fathers, children

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