
Stališča učiteljev razrednega pouka do timskega dela s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi : magistrsko delo
ID Sajovic, Tonja (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Timsko delo pedagoških delavcev je nepogrešljiv del šolskega okolja. Omogoča lažjo diferenciacijo pouka, zlasti pri integraciji učencev s posebnimi potrebami v redne osnovne šole, kjer običajno sodelujeta učitelj razrednega pouka ter specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagog. Pomembno je, da strokovna delavca sodelujeta v vseh treh fazah timskega dela – timskem načrtovanju, timskem poučevanju in timski evalvaciji, pri čemer prepletata strokovno znanje o kurikulumu in znanje o prilagajanju vsebin glede na posamezne primanjkljaje. Na željo in pripravljenost za sodelovanje v timu med drugim vplivajo tudi stališča strokovnih delavcev. Večina empiričnih raziskav na področju timskega dela učiteljev razrednega pouka ter specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov kaže na to, da imajo strokovni delavci do timskega dela resda pozitivna stališča, a ga zaradi raznovrstnih ovir ne izvajajo dovolj pogosto. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela, ki temelji na kvantitativni paradigmi raziskovanja, smo z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika raziskali, kakšna stališča imajo učitelji razrednega pouka do timskega dela na splošno in do timskega dela s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi, kako pogosto z njimi izvajajo vse etape timskega dela (timsko načrtovanje, timsko poučevanje in timsko evalvacijo) ter kako ocenjujejo učinkovitost lastnega timskega dela. Raziskava je temeljila na neslučajnostnem, namenskem vzorčenju, vključevala pa je 51 učiteljic razrednega pouka iz celotne Slovenije. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da anketirane učiteljice razrednega pouka s specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom pogosto timsko načrtujejo, redko timsko poučujejo in redko timsko evalvirajo. Dokaj veliko anketirank pa vseh treh etap timskega dela nikoli ne izvaja. Anketirane učiteljice imajo do timskega dela na splošno in do timskega dela s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi zelo pozitivna stališča. Pogostost timskega načrtovanja s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi je s stališči v pozitivni in statistično pomembni povezanosti, zlasti s tem, da timsko delo med učitelji in specialnimi pedagogi razvija večje zaupanje med sodelavci, da imajo pri timskem delu kolegi prevelik vpogled v delo posameznega člana tima in da timsko delo med učitelji in specialnimi pedagogi povečuje delovno zadovoljstvo obojih. Prav tako so pozitivne in statistično pomembne korelacije med pogostostjo timskega poučevanja s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi in trditvijo, da timsko delo med učitelji in specialnimi pedagogi prispeva k bolj pristnim medosebnim odnosom, ter trditvijo, da je pri timskem delu učiteljev in specialnih pedagogov v razredu/skupini prisotno njihovo tekmovanje za pozornost učencev. Statistično pomembne pozitivne korelacije so tudi med pogostostjo timske evalvacije s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi ter trditvijo, da timsko delo učitelja in specialnega pedagoga omogoča večjo aktivnost vseh učencev v razredu/skupini, ne le učencev s posebnimi potrebami, in trditvijo, da se morajo pri timskem delu med učitelji in specialnimi pedagogi specialni pedagogi podrediti pričakovanjem učiteljev. Z izjemo ene trditve se pri nobenem od stališč do timskega dela s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi ne pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike glede na delovno dobo anketirank.

Keywords:prednosti timskega dela, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, stališča, tim, timsko delo, učitelji razrednega pouka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Sajovic
Number of pages:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161697 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207628291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Classroom teachers' attitudes on teamwork with special and rehabilitation teachers
Teamwork between educational professionals is an essential aspect of the school environment. It facilitates the differentiation of teaching, especially in the integration of students with special needs in regular elementary school, where classroom teachers usually work together with specialists in special education and rehabilitation. It is important that these professionals work together in all three phases of teamwork: team planning, team teaching and team evaluation. During this process, they combine their expertise on the curriculum with their knowledge of adapting content to the specific challenges of students. The willingness to collaborate in a team is influenced by their attitudes among other factors. Most teamwork research between classroom teachers and special educators indicates that although they generally have a positive attitude towards teamwork, they do not practice it very often. In the empirical study within the master’s thesis, which is based on a quantitative research paradigm, we used a questionnaire to investigate classroom teachers' attitudes towards teamwork in general and towards teamwork with special and rehabilitation educators. We also investigated how often they perform team planning, team teaching and team evaluation, and how they rate the effectiveness of their own teamwork. The study was based on a non-random, purposive sample and included 51 primary school Slovenian teachers. The study results show that the surveyed teachers frequently participate in team planning with special education teachers, but rarely participate in team teaching or team evaluating. A significant number of respondents never participate in all three phases of teamwork. The surveyed teachers generally have a very positive attitude towards teamwork and collaboration with special education and rehabilitation professionals. The frequency of team planning with these professionals is positively and statistically significantly related to statements that teamwork between teachers and special educators fosters greater trust among colleagues, that colleagues can gain too much insight into the work of an individual team member, and that such teamwork increases job satisfaction for both teachers and special educators. There are also positive and statistically significant correlations between the frequency of team teaching with special educators and the statement that teamwork contributes to more genuine interpersonal relationships and that there is competition for students' attention between teachers and special educators in the classroom. In addition, statistically significant correlations were found between the frequency of team evaluation with special education teachers and the belief that teamwork allows for greater engagement of all students in the classroom, not just those with special needs, and that special education teachers need to be guided by classroom teacher expectations when working in teams. With one exception, there were no statistically significant differences in attitudes toward teamwork with special educators and rehabilitation professionals as a function of respondents' years of experience.

Keywords:advantages of teamwork, attitudes, class teachers, special education and rehabilitation teachers, team, teamwork

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