
Pristopi k zaščiti igralca v spletnih igralnicah
ID Bajde, Anja (Author), ID Grošelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Varovanje igralca pred škodljivimi posledicami čezmernega igranja iger na srečo postaja vse bolj pomembno področje igralne industrije. V nalogi so opisani pristopi in orodja, ki jih operaterji lahko uporabijo, da zaščitijo igralce pred škodljivimi učinki igranja iger na srečo. V precej državah je spletno igralništvo pravno urejeno, uporaba orodij za zaščito igralca pa je obvezna. Dostopnost podatkov o igralcu in njegovem vedenju v spletnih igralnicah omogoča naprednejše oblike pristopov k zaščiti igralca, kot sta na primer spremljanje sprememb v vedenju in zgodnje zaznavanje problematičnega vedenja. S ciljem zmanjšati škodljive učinke igranja iger na srečo operaterji lahko posežejo ali pa celo morajo poseči v igralčevo vedenje, za kar se v igralni industriji uporablja izraz intervencija. Izvedene raziskave so potrdile, da je eden od učinkovitih pristopov k zmanjševanju problematičnega vedenja intervencija v obliki povratne informacije. V tej nalogi na podlagi podatkov nizozemskih operaterjev potrdim, da ima povratna informacija prek elektronske pošte pozitiven učinek na zmanjševanje aktivnosti igralca v spletni igralnici tako pri operaterjih s kazino igrami kot pri operaterju s kazino igrami in športnimi stavami. Igralci so po izvedeni intervenciji zmanjšali skupno vrednost in število položenih stav, vrednost posamezne stave, skupno vrednost vplačil in čas, v katerem so bili vpisani v spletno igralnico. Učinka intervencije prek telefonskega klica zaradi pomanjkljivosti analize ni bilo mogoče potrditi.

Keywords:čezmerno igranje, škoda, povezana z igranjem iger na srečo, odgovorno igralništvo, zaščita igralca v spletnih igralnicah, intervencija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161696 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Player protection approaches in online casinos
Protecting the player from the harmful effects of excessive gambling is becoming an increasingly important area of the gaming industry. This study outlines approaches and tools that operators can use to protect their players from the harmful effects of gambling. In quite a few countries, online gambling is legally regulated, and the use of tools to protect the player is mandatory. The availability of data about the player and his/her behaviour in online casinos enables more advanced forms of approaches to player protection, such as monitoring changes in player behaviour and early detection of problematic gambling. With the goal of reducing gambling related harm, operators can, or even must, intervene in player behaviour, which is referred to in the gaming industry as intervention. Previous research has confirmed that intervention in form of a feedback has a positive effect on reducing problematic behaviour. Based on data from Dutch operators, I confirm in this study, that email feedback has a positive effect on reducing player activity in an online casino, both for casino games operators and for casino games and sports betting operators. After the intervention, players reduced the total value and the number of bets placed, the value of individual bet, the total value of deposits and the time during which they were logged into the online casino. The effect of the telephone call intervention could not be confirmed due to the shortcomings of the analysis.

Keywords:excessive gambling, gambling related harm, responsible gambling, player protection in online casino, intervention.

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