
Redukcija barve pri prenosu slike v grafiko : magistrsko delo
ID Čepič, Vita (Author), ID Zlokarnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podobnik, Uršula (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Redukcija barve pri prenosu slike v grafiko se nanaša na vse pomembne segmente, ki vplivajo na prenos slike v grafični medij, pri čemer je osrednja tema redukcija barve. Delo je strukturirano na dva glavna dela: teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej predstavila tehniko visokega tiska, s poudarkom na linorezu in barvnem linorezu. Temu je sledil opis abstrahiranja in nato poglobljeno poglavje o barvi. Tu sem se posvetila barvi kot osnovnemu likovnemu elementu, pri čemer sem podrobneje razložila primarne, sekundarne in terciarne barve, barvni krog, bistvene in nebistvene lastnosti barv ter različne vrste barvnih mešanj. Teoretični del sem zaključila s poglavjem o prenosu slike, redukciji in interakciji barv ter vsebino podkrepila s primeri iz likovne umetnosti, kamor sem uvrstila Bridget Riley, Ellsworth Kellyja in Lojzeta Logarja. V empiričnem delu sem raziskavo razdelila na dva dela: likovno-praktični in likovno-didaktični del. V likovno-praktičnem delu sem prikazala svoj proces prenosa slike v grafiko z uporabo tehnike linoreza. Poleg tega sem izvedla poglobljeno praktično analizo barvnih mešanj, kjer sem se z uporabo primarnih, sekundarnih in izbranih terciarnih barv osredotočila na različne načine in vrstne rede tiska. Ugotovila sem, da tehnika barvnega linoreza zahteva natančno načrtovanje barvnih nanosov, premišljeno redukcijo barv za ohranjanje živosti umetniškega dela in uspešen prenos slike v grafiko. Pridobljene izkušnje in znanje sem v likovno-didaktičnem delu uporabila pri izvedbi kvalitativne raziskave z učenkami devetega razreda, ki so uspešno prenesle svojo sliko v grafiko. Dokazale so, da so zmožne uspešno prilagoditi motive in izbrane barve ter tehnično sposobnost ustvarjanja v tehniki barvnega linoreza v prekrivanju barv z uporabo primarnih in sekundarnih barv. Glavne ugotovitve magistrskega dela kažejo, da je obravnava redukcije barve pri prenosu slike v grafiko nujna in izjemno pomembna. Kadar je uporabljena premišljeno in uspešno, ta ne predstavlja izgube vizualne kakovosti ali izraznosti, temveč priložnost za kakovostno likovno izražanje. Raziskava potrjuje, da je prenos slike v grafiko, z ustrezno prilagoditvijo, seveda, primeren tudi za izobraževalne namene, saj učence spodbuja h globljemu razumevanju likovnega jezika, večji premišljenosti, iznajdljivosti in ustvarjalnosti. Menim, da magistrsko delo predstavlja celovit vpogled v obravnavano temo in hkrati ponuja uporabne smernice za izobraževalni proces.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, Grafika, Linorez, Barve, slikanje, barvna mešanja, redukcija barve, avtonomija grafičnega jezika, abstrahiranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Čepič
Number of pages:76 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161692 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207635203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reduction of colour in the transfer from painting to printmaking
The Master's thesis Reduction of Colour in the Transfer from Painting to Printmaking examines the critical elements that influence the process of transferring a painting to printmaking. The primary focus is the reduction of colour. The thesis is organised into two main sections: the theoretical framework and the empirical part. The theoretical section begins with an overview of relief printing techniques, with emphasis on linocut and coloured linocut methods. This is followed by a discussion of the process of abstraction and an in-depth analysis of colour. The section addresses colour as an art element, detailing primary, secondary, and tertiary colours, the colour wheel, the essential and non-essential properties of colours, and various colour mixing models. It concludes with a chapter on transferring painting to printmaking, the reduction of colour, and the interaction of colours. The theoretical framework is supported by fine art examples, including works by Bridget Riley, Kelly Ellsworth, and Lojze Logar. The empirical section is divided into two parts: the art practical part and the fine arts didactic part. The practical part involves a comprehensive analysis of colour mixing, focusing on the linocut technique, using primary, secondary, and selected tertiary colours. The process of transferring a painting to printmaking using the linocut technique is documented in detail as well as the artwsork that was created in the process. The practical part shows that the colour linocut technique requires careful planning of colour applications and a thoughtful reduction of colours to maintain the vibrancy of the artwork and ensure successful transfer. The experiences and knowledge acquired in the practical part were applied to the fine arts didactic part, where I conducted qualitative research with ninth-grade students who successfully transferred their paintings to printmaking. The students demonstrated their capacity to adapt motifs and reduce colours, and proving their technical competence in creating colour linocuts where colours overlap and creating colour mixtures while using primary and secondary colours. The main findings of the Master's thesis show the necessity and significance of reducing colour when transferring a painting to printmaking. When used thoughtfully and successfully, it does not represent a loss of visual quality or expressiveness, but an opportunity for quality artistic expression. The research confirms that the appropriate adaptations when transferring painting to printmaking are well-suited for educational purposes, as it encourages students to develop a deeper understanding of the language of art, as well as greater thoughtfulness, ingenuity, and creativity. The Master's thesis provides a comprehensive insight into the selected topic and offers valuable guidelines for the educational process.

Keywords:painting, printmaking, linocut, colour mixing, reduction of colour, autonomy of graphic language, abstracting

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