
Analiza glasov /s/ in /z/ pri petletnikih : magistrsko delo
ID Kočevar, Eva (Author), ID Tivadar, Hotimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kocjančič Antolík, Tanja (Comentor)

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Motnje govorjenih glasov so v predšolskem obdobju pogost pojav in se večinoma ne morejo odpraviti brez pomoči logopeda. Logoped se v postopku diagnostike v večji meri zanaša na lastno slušno percepcijo, včasih pa se posluži drugih metod v obliki pripomočkov, naprav oziroma tehnologije. Za ugotavljanje odstopanj od norme pri artikulaciji se pri ocenjevanju lahko poslužimo akustične analize, ki sicer ni zelo poglobljeno raziskana, ampak se omenja kot smiselna dopolnitev k tradicionalnim ocenjevalnim postopkom. V magistrskem delu smo skušali s preučevanjem glasov /s/ in /z/ pri petletnikih pridobiti akustične vrednosti le-teh, prepoznati najpogostejša odstopanja pri njihovi izgovorjavi ter ugotoviti, v kakšnem deležu ter v katerih položajih znotraj besed se pojavljajo. Vključili smo 25 udeležencev, katerih starši so se strinjali z vključitvijo, ter pridobili njihove avdio posnetke izgovorjave tarčnih besed, prikazanih na sličicah. Posnetke smo analizirali v programu Praat, pridobili vrednosti tarčnih glasov ter jih nadalje kategorizirali glede na njihovo realizacijo. Vrednosti smo vključili v statistično analizo. Analiza je pokazala, da se ustrezno artikulirana glasova /s/ in /z/ med seboj pomembno razlikujeta v vrednostih akustičnih parametrov. Ugotovili smo statistično pomembne razlike v deležu ustreznih in neustreznih realizacij glede na vrsto glasu ter pomembne razlike v deležu zvenečnosti pri obeh glasovih. Med položajem glasu v besedi in uspešnostjo otrok pri artikulaciji smo našli statistično pomembnost le pri glasu /z/, pri /s/ pa ne. Rezultati, pridobljeni v raziskavi, nam dajejo uvid v značilnosti artikulacije /s/ in /z/ in njunih akustičnih parametrov pri petletnikih ter so hkrati vodilo pri nadaljnjem preučevanju in vključevanju novih metod v logopedijo.

Keywords:Izgovorjava, Glas, Razvoj otroškega govora, Govorna terapija, akustična analiza, artikulacija, priporniki, glas /s/, glas /z/, petletniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Kočevar
Number of pages:IX, 78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161690 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207668995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of /s/ and /z/ sounds in five-year-old children
Speech sound disorders are common occurrences in the preschool period and generally cannot be resolved without the help of a speech therapist. In the diagnostic process, the speech therapist largely relies on their own auditory perception, but sometimes also uses other methods in the form of tools, devices, or technology. To detect deviations from the articulatory norms, acoustic analysis can be utilized in the evaluation process. Although it has not been extensively researched yet, acoustic analysis is mentioned as a useful complement to traditional assessment methods. In this master's thesis, we aimed to obtain acoustic values of the sounds /s/ and /z/ in five-year-olds, identify the most common pronunciation deviations, determine their occurrence frequency, and identify their positions within words. We included 25 participants whose parents agreed to their participation and recorded them performing a picture-naming task. We analyzed the recordings using Praat software, obtained the acoustic measures of the target sounds, and further categorized them based on their realization. The values were included in a statistical analysis. The analysis showed that correctly articulated sounds /s/ and /z/ significantly differ in their acoustic parameter values. We found statistically significant differences in the proportion of appropriate and inappropriate realizations depending on the type of sound, and significant differences in the proportion of voicing for both sounds. Furthermore, we also found statistical significance between different positions of the sound in words and the children's success in articulating it for /z/, but not for /s/. The results obtained in this study provide insight into the articulation characteristics of /s/ and /z/ in five-year-olds and their acoustic parameters, and they also serve as a guide for further research and the integration of new methods in speech therapy.

Keywords:acoustic analysis, articulation, fricatives, /s/ sound, /z/ sound, five-year-olds

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