
Revitalizacija mestne četrti - Idejna zasnova športnega parka na območju starega Rakuševega mlina v Celju
ID Dolar, Eva (Author), ID Blenkuš, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava revitalizacijo ter vzpostavitvi novega urbanega vozlišča znotraj degradiranega mestnega območja starega Rakuševega mlina, med glavnimi mestnimi vpadnicami in železnico. Dvojnost programa velikega in malega merila s premostitvijo obstoječih infrastrukturnih prostorskih mej, na podlagi ustvarjanja novih koridorjev med okoliškim mestnim tkivom. V nalogi se s teoretičnim delom seznanim s pojmoma skupnosti in habitata, ki opisujeta problematiko prostora Celja. Z razširitvijo pojmov pridem do pomanjkljivosti oziroma možnih kombinacij tipologij, ki bi izboljšale preživljanje časa prebivalcev. Osredotočam se na prostorsko rabo v mestu ter s svojim projektom poskušam uvesti nov pojem zelene veje, ki na lokaciji tvori tretji prostor. Zelena veja povezuje ne le območja obdelovanja na nivoju mikro lokacije ampak tudi širšega območja mesta na nivoju makro lokacije. Cilj naloge je na mikro nivoju ustvarjanje dialoga s starim mestnim jedrom in novejšim severnim delom mesta Celje ter Savinjsko železnico, ki predstavlja mejo med obema poloma, na makro nivoju pa vzpostavitev povezav bolj ali manj oddaljenih predelov mesta v celovito zeleno mrežo.

Keywords:Arhitektura, Celje, šport, revitalizacija, bazen, olimpijski športi, tretji prostor, zelena mreža
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161680 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Revitalization of the city quarter - Conceptual design of a sports park in the area of old Rakuš mill in Celje
The master's thesis addresses the revitalization and establishment of a new urban node within the degraded area of the old Rakuš mill, located between main city rads and the railway. It explores the duality of large and small-scale programs by bridging existing infrastructural spatial boundaries, based on creating new corridors within the surrounding urban fabric. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the concepts of community and habitat, which describe the spatial issues of Celje. By expanding these concepts, I identify deficiencies or potential combinations of typologies that could enhance the experience of residents. The focus is on spatial use within the city, and through my project, I attempt to introduce a new concept of the green branch, which creates a third space at the location. The green branch connects not only the micro-level processing areas but also the broader urban area at the macro level. The goal of the thesis is to create a dialogue at the micro level with the old town core and the newer northern part of Celje, and the Savinja Railway, which represents a boundary between the two poles. At the macro level, the aim is to establish connections between more or less distant areas of the city into a cohesive green network.

Keywords:architecture, Celje, sport, revitalization, pool, Olympic sports, third space, green network

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