
Duševno zdravje mladostnikov med in po epidemiji Covid-19
ID Hrovatin, Hana Stela (Author), ID Masten, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poštuvan, Vita (Comentor)

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Epidemija covida-19 je življenja vseh nas, še posebej pa mladostnikov, zaznamovala z vsemi spremembami, ki jih je prinesla. Zanimalo nas je, kako so te spremembe, s katerimi smo se soočili na različnih področjih življenja, vplivale na mladostnike in njihovo duševno zdravje. V našo raziskavo je bilo zajetih 14 mladostnikov, starih med 14 in 19 let, živečih v Sloveniji. Z njimi smo opravili polstrukturirane intervjuje, kjer nas je zanimalo, kako so se s spremembami spoprijemali na področjih šolanja, duševnega zdravja, družinskih in prijateljskih odnosov ter kako zdaj, po koncu epidemije, zrejo v prihodnost. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo na vseh področjih med mladostniki veliko razlik. Nekateri mladostniki so doživljali epidemijo kot pozitivno obdobje in tudi v prihodnost zrejo s pozitivnostjo. Nekateri so bili med epidemijo aktivni tako na področjih šolanja, spoznavanja samega sebe, razvijanja hobijev kot pri vzdrževanju prijateljskih in družinskih odnosov in težav niso zaznavali. Drugi mladostniki so epidemijo doživljali bolj negativno. Med epidemijo so se nekateri spoprijemali s težkimi situacijami, ki so škodovale njihovemu duševnemu zdravju, šolskemu uspehu in odnosom. Poleg tega se nekateri z negativnimi posledicami epidemije, ki jih je pustila na njihovem duševnem zdravju, še vedno spoprijemajo in tudi v prihodnost zrejo bolj negativno. Nekateri še vedno opažajo težave pri vzdrževanju pozornosti in učenju ter s težavo oblikujejo prijateljstva. Več jih je med epidemijo nazadovalo na različnih področjih svojega življenja, razlike pa so se pokazale tudi v intenzivnosti doživljanja tega obdobja. Nekateri mladostniki situaciji niso pripisovali velike teže in vrednosti, spet drugi so občutja in celotno epidemijo doživljali zelo intenzivno. Rezultate smo za lažje razumevanje prikazali tudi s prispodobo modela atoma, ki prikazuje prej omenjene razlike v različnih dimenzijah.

Keywords:COVID-19, posledice, mladostniki, duševno zdravje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161676 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Adolescents' mental health during and after the pandemic Covid-19
The Covid-19 epidemic has shaped all our lives, but especially the lives of adolescents, with all the changes it has brought. We wanted to know how these changes, which we have faced in different areas of our lives, have affected adolescents and their mental health. Our study included 14 adolescents aged between 14 and 19 living in Slovenia. We conducted semi-structured interviews to find out how they coped with the changes in their schooling, mental health, family and friendships, and how they look to the future now that the epidemic is over. We found that in all areas there was a lot of duality among adolescents. Some adolescents experienced the epidemic as a positive period and also looked to the future with positivity. Some were active during the epidemic, both in the areas of schooling, self-discovery, developing hobbies and maintaining friendships and family relationships, and did not perceive any problems. Other adolescents experienced the epidemic more negatively. During the epidemic, some faced difficult situations that were detrimental to their mental health, school performance and relationships. In addition, some are still coping with the negative effects the epidemic has had on their mental health and are also looking more negatively to the future. Some still find it difficult to maintain attention, to learn and to form friendships. Several have stagnated in different areas of their lives during the epidemic, and differences are also evident in the intensity of the experience of the period itself. Some adolescents did not assign much value and importance to the situation, while others experienced the feelings and the epidemic as a whole very intensely. For ease of understanding, the results have also been presented in the atom model, which shows duality in different dimensions.

Keywords:COVID-19, consequence, adolescents, mental health

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