
Analiza rabe vode pri različnih dejavnosti na območju slovenske Istre : diplomska naloga
ID Pogačar Nikolić, Mark (Author), ID Rusjan, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klun, Mateja (Comentor)

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Pomanjkanje vode in suša sta postala pogosta pojava po vsem svetu, vključno z Evropo, kar ima negativen vpliv na ekosisteme, kmetijstvo in oskrbo s pitno vodo. Podnebne spremembe povzročajo dvig povprečnih temperatur, pogostejše vročinske valove, spremenjene vzorce padavin in povečano evapotranspiracijo, kar še dodatno poslabšuje razmere. Upravljanje omejenih virov pitne vode postaja eden ključnih izzivov 21. stoletja, saj se povpraševanje po vodi nenehno povečuje. Oskrba z vodo na območju slovenske Istre je ključnega pomena za Slovenijo, vendar je zaradi kraškega terena to oskrbovanje zahtevno, saj se voda hitro odteka v podzemlje, kar omejuje izkoriščanje površinskih vodnih virov. Trenutni vodni viri, kot sta reka Rižana in hrvaški vir Gradolo, predstavljajo izzive pri doseganju samozadostnosti. Zaradi teh izzivov se je pojavilo več pobud za raziskovanje alternativnih vodnih virov za oskrbo slovenske Istre. Rižanski vodovodni sistem, ki je bil zgrajen leta 1935, oskrbuje obalne občine Koper, Piran, Izolo in Ankaran ter zagotavlja vodo za približno 87.000 prebivalcev, med poletno sezono pa ta številka naraste na približno 130.000 uporabnikov. Ta sistem obsega več kot 988 km cevovodov različnih premerov in materialov. Analize letnih in mesečnih porab vode v obdobju med letoma 2006 in 2022, ki smo jih opravili v okviru zaključnega dela, so razkrile različne vzorce porabe vode, kateri se spreminjajo glede na hidrološke razmere. Še posebej smo se osredotočili na turistične dejavnosti, pri čemer smo analizirali število gostov v različnih mesecih ter njihovo porabo vode. Rezultate smo razdelili glede na kategorije turističnih nastanitev, pri čemer smo upoštevali število zvezdic kot merilo kakovosti. Analiza porabe vode v turizmu je izpostavila izzive ločevanja med omejitvami za lokalne prebivalce in turiste ter poudarila potrebo po trajnostnih rešitvah, kot so varčevalne naprave in ponovna uporaba sive vode, za zmanjšanje porabe vodnih virov v turističnih nastanitvah. Predlagane rešitve vključujejo tudi uporabo sive vode za namakanje zelenih površin ter njeno ponovno uporabo v kmetijstvu in industriji, kar bi prispevalo k bolj trajnostni rabi vode.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, Slovenian Istria, Koper, drought, tourism, water supply, water resources
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pogačar Nikolić]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (VIII, 27 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161665-d7c4946a-aeae-13be-1917-be662bfa00b5 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207651587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of water use in different activities in the Slovenian Istria region : graduation thesis
Water shortages and droughts have become common problems worldwide, including in Europe and Meditteranean, with negative impacts on ecosystems, agriculture and drinking water supplies. Climate change is leading to rising average temperatures, more frequent heat waves, altered rainfall patterns and increased evapotranspiration, which are further exacerbating the situation. Managing scarce drinking water resources is becoming one of the key challenges of the 21st century as the demand for water continues to increase. The water supply in the Slovenian Istria region is of key importance for different economic activities, but the karst terrain makes it challenging, as water drains rapidly underground, limiting the exploitation of surface water resources. Current water sources, such as the river Rižana and the Croatian source Gradolo, present challenges to achieving self-sufficiency. These challenges have led to several initiatives to explore alternative water sources to water supply of Slovenian Istria. The Rižana water supply system, built in 1935, supplies the coastal municipalities of Koper, Piran, Izola and Ankaran, and provides water for approximately 87,000 inhabitants, rising to around 130,000 users during the summer season. The system comprises more than 988 km of pipelines of various diameters and materials. Analyses of annual and monthly water consumption between 2006 and 2022 conducted in this work revealed different patterns of water consumption, which vary according to hydrological conditions. We focused in particular on tourism activities, analysing the number of guests in different months and their water consumption. The results were broken down by category of tourist accommodation, taking into account the number of stars as a measure of quality. The aysis of water consumption in tourism highlighted the challenges of distinguishing between constraints for local residents and tourists, and underlined the need for sustainable solutions such as water-saving devices and grey water recycling to reduce the consumption of water resources in tourist accommodation. Proposed solutions also include the use of grey water for irrigation of green areas and its reuse in agriculture and industry, which would contribute to a more sustainable use of water.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, Slovenian Istria, Koper, drought, tourism, water supply, water resources

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