
Eksperimentalna analiza nanašanja kapljevine na premikajočo se površino
ID Vidic, Gašper (Author), ID Šarler, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo eksperimentalno ovrednotili nanašanje filma kapljevine na premikajočo se površino pri volumskem toku kapljevine od 50 µl min^(-1) do 150 µl min^(-1), hitrostih premikajoče se površine od 0,2 mm s^(-1) do 2,0 mm s^(-1) in odmiku od premikajoče se površine od 0,3 mm do 0,9 mm. Izvedli smo analizo debeline, širine in stabilnosti filma kapljevine v odvisnosti od naštetih procesnih parametrov. Zasnovali in postavili smo celotno eksperimentalno progo. Za izvedbo eksperimenta smo uporabili deionizirano vodo. Vse meritve smo zajeli z optično metodo in jih analizirali na podlagi računalniškega vida z v programskem okolju Python razvitim namenskim računalniškim programom. Nastali filmi kapljevine so imeli debeline in širine v območju 0,58 mm - 2,28 mm in 2,11 mm - 4,35 mm in so izkazovali ali stabilno delovanje ali nestabilno nabrekanje in solzenje na gorvodnem meniskusu. Ugotovili smo, da je ponovljivost nanašanja filma kapljevine na premikajočo se površino slabša za analizo debeline in stabilnosti filma, boljša pa za analizo njegove širine. Pri vseh analiziranih procesnih parametrih je prišlo do očitnega zdrsa med kapljevino in površino, ki se je naključno zmanjševal in povečeval. Ugotovili smo, da je voda v raziskanem območju neprimerna kapljevina za predvidljivo nanašanje filma na površino poliimidnega traka.

Keywords:nanašanje kapljevine, premikajoča se površina, debelina in širina filma kapljevine, stabilnost filma kapljevine, računalniški vid, eksperiment
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161653 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Experimental analysis of liquid deposition on a moving surface
In this Master’s thesis, we have experimentally evaluated the deposition of liquid film on a moving surface at a liquid volume flux rate from 50 μl min^(-1) to 150 μl min^(-1), at moving surface velocities from 0.2 mm s^(-1) to 2.0 mm s^(-1) and for distances from moving surface from 0.3 mm to 0.9 mm. We have performed an analysis of the thickness, width and stability of liquid film in dependence on the aforementioned process parameters. We have designed and assembled the whole experimental setup. For experimental measurements, we have used deionised water. All measurements were captured with the optical method and analysed based on computer vision with Python software that was purposefully developed. The resulting liquid films had thicknesses and widths in range of 0.58 mm - 2.28 mm and 2.11 mm - 4.35 mm and have exhibited either stable operation or unstable swelling and weeping at the upstream meniscus. We found that the repeatability of liquid film deposition on a moving surface is worse for analysing liquid film thickness and stability, but better for analysing liquid film width. At all analysed process parameters there was visually apparent slip between liquid and moving surface that was randomly decreasing and increasing. We have concluded that water is in the examined range unsuitable for predictable liquid film deposition on the surface of polyimide tape.

Keywords:liquid deposition, moving surface, liquid film thickness and width, liquid film stability, computer vision, experiment

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