
Begunstvo kot strategija preživetja v vojni v Ukrajini
ID Židan, Katja (Author), ID Garb, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rusija je 24. februarja 2022 s prodorom oboroženih sil pričela obsežno invazijo na Ukrajino, ki je prerasla v obsežen napad na državo. Vojna v Ukrajini je sprožila najbolj množičen beg prebivalstva v Evropi po drugi svetovni vojni, dinamika spopadov je povzročila več begunskih valov iz celotnega ukrajinskega ozemlja in številne selitve znotraj države. Civilno prebivalstvo je bilo prisiljeno sprejemati težke odločitve. Presoja vsakega posameznika je izbira strategije preživetja, beg ali boj, ki pa ne pomeni le sodelovanja v oboroženem spopadu, ampak je širok pojem, ki vključuje različne načine, tudi boj v dobesednem pomenu, predvsem pa prilagajanje in sodelovanje v nenasilnih oblikah boja. Vsaka vojna povzroči, da nekateri zbežijo, drugi ostanejo v domovini, na kar vplivajo socialno-kulturni, politični in ekonomski dejavniki, resnost konflikta in verjetnost, da odhod pomeni boljše življenje. Prebivalci Ukrajine so zaradi vojne zapuščali svoje domove in iskali zatočišče v varnejših ukrajinskih regijah in tujini. Približno dve leti od izbruha vojne se več kot deset milijonov Ukrajincev ne more vrniti v svoje domove. Skoraj štiri milijone je notranje razseljenih, več kot šest milijonov jih je zapustilo domovino in zatočišče našlo po vsem svetu. Temeljni namen diplomskega dela je preveriti povezavo med socialno-ekonomskim statusom beguncev ter obsegom in vrsto migracije ter povezavo med obsegom migracij in oddaljenostjo od konfliktnega območja oz. od občutka ogroženosti. Študija in empirične raziskave obe povezavi potrdijo.

Keywords:begunstvo, strategija preživetja, vojna v Ukrajini, notranje razseljeno prebivalstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161642 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Refugeeism as a survival strategy in the war in Ukraine
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine with the penetration of armed forces, which has grown into a large-scale attack on the country. The war in Ukraine triggered the largest mass exodus of population in Europe since the Second World War, the dynamics of the conflict caused several waves of refugees from the entire territory of Ukraine and numerous internal displacements. The civilian population has been forced to make difficult decisions. The assessment of each individual is the choice of strategy of survival, flight or fight, which does not mean only participation in armed conflict, but is a broad concept that includes various ways, including fighting in a literal sense, but above all adapting and participating in non-violent forms of fight. Every war causes some to flee and others to stay in their homeland, which is influenced by socio-cultural, political and economic factors, the severity of the conflict, and the likelihood that leaving means a better life. Residents of Ukraine fled their homes due to the war and sought refuge in safer regions of Ukraine and abroad. Some two years after the war broke out, more than ten million Ukrainians are unable to return to their homes. Nearly four million are internally displaced, and more than six million have fled their homelands and found refuge around the world. The main purpose of the thesis is to examine the relationship between the socioeconomic status of refugees and the volume and type of migration, and the relationship between the volume of migration and the distance from the conflict zone or the feeling of vulnerability. Studies and empirical research confirm both connections.

Keywords:refugeeism, survival strategy, war in Ukraine, internally displaced population

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