
AC/DC pretvornik za do 200 W električne naprave
ID Kunšek, Luka (Author), ID Reberšek, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem dokumentu je predstavljen projekt predelave testnega vezja za AC/DC pretvornik NCP1654BD200R2G z uporabo SMD komponent (angleško "surface mount device", površinsko nameščena naprava). Namen projekta je izboljšati zasnovo in delovanje pretvornika ter doseči skladnost z evropskimi standardi elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC – angleško "Electromagnetic compatibility", elektromagnetna kompatibilnost). Projekt smo zasnovali z namenom povečanja učinkovitosti in prilagodljivosti AC/DC pretvornika. S preoblikovanjem testnega vezja z uporabo SMD elementov smo želeli doseči lažjo izvedbo pretvornika, omogočiti avtomatsko proizvodnjo, povečati kompaktnost, zmanjšati izgube energije ter izboljšati stabilnost napetosti. Postopek dela je vključeval zamenjavo obstoječih komponent s sodobnimi SMD elementi, optimizacijo vezja s pomočjo programa Altium Designer ter testiranje in analizo elektromagnetnega sevanja Glavni zaključki raziskave vključujejo izboljšano elektromagnetno združljivost in uporabnost prenovljenega AC/DC pretvornika v industrijskih in medicinskih aplikacijah. Razvit pretvornik z uporabo SMD komponent prinaša prednosti, kot so večja kompaktnost, možnost avtomatske proizvodnje, zmanjšanje izgub energije in boljša stabilnost napetosti. Kljub doseženim izboljšavam bo potrebna nadaljnja optimizacija za popolno skladnost z EMC standardi.

Keywords:AC/DC pretvornik, SMD komponenta, elektromagnetna združljivost, EMC standardi, optimizacija vezja, industrijske aplikacije, medicinske naprave
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:AC/DC converter for electrical devices up to 200 W
This document presents a project to redesign the test circuit for the AC/DC converter NCP1654BD200R2G using SMD components (Surface Mount Devices). The project's aim is to improve the design and performance of the converter while ensuring compliance with European electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards. The project was conceived with the goal of enhancing the efficiency and adaptability of the AC/DC converter. By redesigning the test circuit with SMD components, we aimed to achieve a more streamlined implementation of the converter, enable automated production, increase compactness, reduce energy losses, and improve voltage stability. The work process involved replacing existing components with modern SMD elements, optimizing the circuit using Altium Designer, and conducting tests and analysis of electromagnetic emissions. The main conclusions of the research include improved electromagnetic compatibility and the usability of the redesigned AC/DC converter in industrial and medical applications. The developed converter using SMD components offers advantages such as greater compactness, the possibility of automated production, reduced energy losses, and improved voltage stability. Despite the improvements achieved, further optimization is needed to fully comply with EMC standards.

Keywords:AC/DC converter, SMD component, electromagnetic compatibility, EMC standards, circuit optimization, industrial applications, medical devices

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