
Optimizacija mehanskih parametrov dirkalnika Formule Student z uporabo simulacijskega orodja CarMaker
ID Podlesnik, Žan (Author), ID Drobnič, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rihar, Andraž (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga opisuje zasnovo simulacijskega modela za optimizacijo parametrov Formula Student dirkalnika. Formula Student je mednarodno študentsko tekmovanje, ki poteka vsako leto in privablja ekipe iz vsega sveta. Potreba po takem simulacijskem orodju izhaja iz kratke tekmovalne sezone Formula Student, ki ne omogoča iterativnega izboljševanja komponent, hkrati pa ima razvojna ekipa na razpolago omejena finančna sredstva. S simulacijskim modelom je mogoče validirati komponente ter optimizirati ključne parametre vozila brez izdelave prototipa, kar prispeva k hitrejši in cenejši poti do izboljšav dirkalnika. Simulacijski model dirkalnika smo razvili v okolju CarMaker, ki smo ga izbrali zaradi obsežne dokumentacije in prijaznega uporabniškega vmesnika. Program že vsebuje osnovni model električnega dirkalnika, kateremu smo prilagodili parametre, kot so masa, aerodinamika, prestavno razmerje in trdota vzmeti. Model smo ovrednotili s primerjavo časov simulacij dveh standardnih disciplin, pospeška in osmice, z realnimi podatki, ki so bili predhodno izmerjeni na stezi. Odstopanja simuliranih časov so bila manjša od 10 %, kar smo ocenili kot zadovoljivo. V sklopu optimizacije nas je zanimalo, kako s prilagajanjem mase vozila, aerodinamičnega paketa in prestavnega razmerja kar najbolj izboljšati zmogljivost v standardnih disciplinah: pospeševanje, osmica, hitrostna in vzdržljivostna preizkušnja. Najprej smo analizirali vpliv mase vozila na zmogljivost dirkalnika. Zmanjšanje mase je izboljšalo čase v pospeševanju, vzdržljivostnem in hitrostnem preizkusu, saj nižja masa omogoča večje pospeške in dinamiko zaviranja. Pri osmici pa se čas ni bistveno spremenil, saj manjša masa zmanjša oprijem. Nato smo preverili vpliv aerodinamičnega paketa, ki vključuje sprednje in zadnje krilce. Paket je sicer poslabšal čas pri pospeševanju zaradi dodatne teže in zračnega upora, vendar se je pri drugih disciplinah izkazal kot koristen zaradi povečanega oprijema, ki omogoča višje hitrosti v zavojih. Ugotovili smo, da je zračni upor zaradi nizkih hitrosti na progah Formula Student zanemarljiv, medtem ko podtlak bistveno vpliva na zmogljivost v zavojih. Na koncu smo preučili vpliv prestavnega razmerja in ugotovili, da višje razmerje koristi dirkalniku, saj omogoča več navora za hitrejše pospeševanje iz ovinkov brez preseganja najvišje hitrosti. Rezultati potrjujejo, da zasnovani simulacijski model zagotavlja dodaten vpogled v zmogljivosti razvitega dirkalnika, kar kaže na smiselnost uporabe takšnega pristopa tudi v prihodnosti.

Keywords:CarMaker, simulacija, optimizacija, modeliranje, Formula Student
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161619 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207478787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of mechanical parameters of a Formula Student racing car using the CarMaker software package
The thesis outlines the development of a simulation model for a Formula Student race car aimed at optimizing the vehicle's performance parameters. Formula Student is an international student competition that takes place every year and attracts teams from all over the world. This simulation tool is essential due to the short Formula Student season, which limits opportunities for iterative component development and performance comparisons. By utilizing a simulation model, components can be validated and vehicle parameters optimized before production, resulting in a faster race car. For the simulation, we used the CarMaker software. We compared various programs and chose CarMaker due to its extensive documentation and user-friendly environment. CarMaker also includes a pre-existing electric race car model, which allowed for parameter adjustments. To tailor the simulation to our race car, we modified several parameters of the base model, including weight, aerodynamics, gear ratio, and spring stiffness, among others. After confirming the model’s functionality within the simulation environment, we proceeded with validation by comparing lap times from two standard disciplines: acceleration and skidpad. The results showed a deviation of less than 10%, which was acceptable. The vehicle’s weight was first parameter to be analyzed. We assessed the impact of both the driver’s and vehicle’s mass on performance across different disciplines. Weight reduction led to performance gains in events requiring acceleration and deceleration. However, in the skidpad, weight reduction had minimal effect on times due to the concurrent reduction in grip. The aerodynamic package, which includes components such as front and rear wings, was evaluated next. While it negatively affected acceleration times due to increased weight and drag, it improved performance in all other disciplines by enhancing downforce, thereby increasing grip. We further examined the relative contributions of drag and downforce. Drag was found to be negligible on Formula Student tracks, where vehicles rarely reach high speeds due to the slow circuits, while downforce had a significant impact on cornering speeds. We also assessed the influence of gear ratios on performance. A higher gear ratio was found to benefit the car, providing greater torque for quicker acceleration out of corners, as the maximum available speed was not reached. The results confirm that the designed simulation model provides additional insight into the performance of the developed race car, highlighting the relevance of using such an approach in the future.

Keywords:CarMaker, Simulation, Optimization, Modeling, Formula Student

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