
Spremljanje zgodovine rabljenih vozil s pomočjo tehnologije veriženja blokov
ID Pokorn, Matic (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali problematiko sledenja zgodovine vozil ter predstavili tehnologije veriženja blokov; kot rešitev, ki zagotavlja večjo transparentnost in boljšo varnost podatkov ter zmanjšuje število prevar na trgu rabljenih vozil. Cilj naloge je bil teoretično pojasniti tehnologijo veriženja blokov ter razviti potencialno rešitev za sledenje in upravljanje podatkov o vozilih. Najprej smo opisali obstoječe postopke hranjenja podatkov o zgodovini vozil in dostopnost teh podatkov do končnih uporabnikov. V nadaljevanju smo teoretično razložili koncepte veriženja blokov, nato pa se bolj osredotočili na omrežje Ethereum, ki je bilo uporabljeno za našo decentralizirano aplikacijo. V poglavju, ki se nanaša na projekt diplomskega dela smo predstavili zasnovo in razvoj projekta ter končno decentralizirano aplikacijo. Opisali smo tehnologije, ki smo jih uporabili za razvoj pametne pogodbe in uporabniškega vmesnika; kot so Solidty, RemixIDE, Hardhat in React.js. Postopek razvoja aplikacije je potekal v več korakih. Prvotno smo podrobno določili vse funkcionalnosti aplikacije in razvili pametno pogodbo, ki vključuje varno shranjevanje podatkov o vozilih in enostaven prenos lastništva, hkrati pa omogoča vpogled v vse shranjene podatke. Kasneje smo izdelali še preprost uporabniški vmesnik, ki zagotavlja uporabniku interakcijo s pametno pogodbo. Diplomsko delo smo zaključili s predstavitvijo potencialnih možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj in uporabo naše aplikacije.

Keywords:Blokovne verige, Omrežje Ethereum, Decentralizirane aplikacije, Poročilo o zgodovini vozil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161607 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208578563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Tracking the history of used vehicles using blockchain technology
In the thesis, we addressed the issue of vehicle history tracking and presented blockchain technologies as a solution that ensures greater transparency and better data security, reducing the number of frauds in the used car market. The thesis aimed to theoretically explain blockchain technology and develop a potential solution for tracking and managing vehicle data. First, we described the existing processes for storing vehicle history data and the accessibility of this data to end users. We then theoretically explained the concepts of blockchain and focused more on the Ethereum network, which was used for our decentralized application. In the chapter related to the thesis project, we presented the design and development of the project and the final decentralized application. We introduced the technologies used for the development of the smart contract and the user interface, such as Solidity, RemixIDE, Hardhat, and React.js. The application development process took place in several steps. Initially, we detailed all the functionalities of the application and developed a smart contract that includes secure storage of vehicle data and easy transfer of ownership, while also allowing insight into all stored data. Then, we created a simple user interface that enables user interaction with the smart contract. We concluded the thesis by presenting potential possibilities for further development and use of our application.

Keywords:Blockchain, Ethereum network, Decentralized applications, Vehicle history report

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