
Vloga receptorja ACE2 in proteaze TMPRSS2 pri tvorbi sincicijev v celicah, ki izražajo različice proteina S SARS-CoV-2
ID Musina, Valeriya (Author), ID Manček Keber, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Župunski, Vera (Comentor)

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Glikoprotein S na površini virusa SARS-CoV-2 je ključni dejavnik pri okužbi. Poleg pritrditve in vstopa virusa v tarčne celice, omogoča protein S tudi tvorbo sincicijev. Sinciciji so večje večjedrne celice, ki nastanejo zaradi fuzije okuženih celic s sosednjimi neokuženimi celicami. Njihov nastanek poveča širjenje virusa in kompleksnost bolezni COVID-19. Fuzija celic je odvisna predvsem od fuzijskega potenciala proteina S na površini okuženih celic. Poleg tega je za tvorbo sincicijev potreben enak receptor kot za vstop virusa, ACE2. Prisotnost proteaze TMPRSS2 na površini tarčnih celic pa dodatno pospešuje fuzijo celic, saj omogoča proteolitsko cepitev proteina S. Podobno drugim RNA-virusom se tudi SARS-CoV-2 hitro spreminja, zato so od njegovega pojava divji tip nadomestile različice, ki vsebujejo številne mutacije, zlasti v proteinu S. Mutacije proteina S vplivajo na prenosljivost virusa, njegovo patogenost in zmožnost tvorbe sincicijev. V magistrskem delu smo preučili sposobnost celic, ki izražajo različice proteina S SARS-CoV-2, da tvorijo sincicije. Analizirali smo različico proteina S, ki se je pojavila v Wuhanu, ter naravni različici delta in XBB.1.5. Poleg tega smo uvedli točkovne mutacije N501Y v receptor vezavno domeno, P681H v FCS in T716I v podenoto S2 proteina S. V okviru magistrskega dela smo tvorbo sincicijev preučili na dva načina. S fuzijskim testom s cepljeno luciferazo smo primerjali fuzijski potencial različic proteina S ter preučili vpliv prisotnosti receptorja ACE2 in proteaze TMPRSS2 na tvorbo sincicijev. Vse izbrane naravne različice proteina S SARS-CoV-2 so pokazale primerljivo stopnjo nastanka sincicijev. Mutaciji N501Y in P681H sta fuzijo celic zvišali, T716I pa jo je znižala. Poleg tega so sinciciji nastajali tudi v odsotnosti receptorja ACE2, če je bila na površini akceptorskih celic prisotna proteaza TMPRSS2. V drugem delu magistrske naloge smo preučevali še kinetiko nastanka sincicijev. V ta namen smo v komercialno dostopni vektor Simplicon vstavili zapise za izbrane različice proteina S in izvedli in vitro transkripcijo. Nato smo potrdili izražanje vseh rekombinantnih proteinov v transficiranih celicah ter prisotnost vseh različic proteina S razen delte na površini transficiranih celic. Kinetiko nastanka sincicijev smo spremljali z avtomatskim mikroskopom, vendar poskusi niso bili uspešni in nismo dobili ponovljivih rezultatov. Postopek bi bilo zato potrebno izboljšati že na nivoju transfekcije z uporabo druge celične linije, drugega načina vnosa replikonov RNA ali z dodatkom proteina virusa Vaccinia B18R. Poleg tega bi bila potrebna optimizacija analize rezultatov in preizkus uporabe drugih programov. Rezultati magistrske naloge potrjujejo, da imajo različice proteina S SARS-CoV-2 različne fuzijske potenciale, in prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju vpliva drugih dejavnikov, kot sta ACE2 in TMPRSS2, na fuzijo celic.

Keywords:protein S, SARS-CoV-2, tvorba sincicijev, ACE2, TMPRSS2
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161602 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:The role of ACE2 receptor and TMPRSS2 protease in syncytia formation in cells expressing SARS-CoV-2 S protein variants
Glycoprotein S on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a key factor in infection. In addition to the viral attachment and entry into target cells, protein S also enables syncytia formation. Syncytia are larger multinucleated cells that result from the fusion of infected cells with neighboring uninfected cells. Their formation increases the spread of the virus and the complexity of the disease COVID-19. Cell fusion depends mainly on the fusogenicity of the S protein on the surface of infected cells. In addition, syncytium formation requires the same receptor as viral entry, ACE2. The presence of the TMPRSS2 protease on the surface of target cells further promotes cell fusion, as it enables the proteolytic cleavage of protein S. Like other RNA viruses, SARS-CoV-2 mutates rapidly. Since its emergence, the wild type has been replaced by variants containing many mutations, especially in protein S. Mutations in protein S affect the virus's transmissibility, pathogenicity, and ability to form syncytia. In this master's thesis, we examined the ability of cells expressing variants of the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 to form syncytia. We analyzed the wild type of protein S that appeared in Wuhan, as well as the delta and XBB.1.5 variants. In addition, we introduced point mutations N501Y in the receptor binding domain, P681H in the FCS, and T716I in the S2 subunit of protein S. In the scope of the master's thesis, we studied the formation of syncytia in two ways. We compared the fusogenicity of protein S variants using a fusion assay with split luciferase, and examined the influence of the presence of the ACE2 receptor and TMPRSS2 protease on syncytia formation. All selected natural variants of SARS-CoV-2 protein S showed a comparable rate of syncytia formation. Mutations N501Y and P681H increased cell fusion, while T716I decreased it. In addition, syncytia were formed even in the absence of the ACE2 receptor, if the TMPRSS2 protease was present on the surface of the acceptor cells. In the second part of this master's thesis, we also studied the kinetics of syncytia formation. For this purpose, we prepared the Simplicon vector carrying sequences for the studied variants of protein S and performed in vitro transcription. We then confirmed the expression of all recombinant proteins in transfected cells and the presence of all variants of protein S except delta on the surface of transfected cells. The kinetics of the formation of syncytia was monitored with an automatic microscope, but the experiments were not successful, and we did not obtain reproducible results. Therefore, the process should be improved at the level of transfection by using another cell line, another method of introducing RNA replicons, or by adding the Vaccinia virus protein B18R. Additionally, it would be necessary to optimize the analysis of the results and test the use of other programs. The results of the master's thesis confirm that the variants of the SARS-CoV- 2 S protein have different fusion potentials and contribute to a better understanding of the influence of other factors, such as ACE2 and TMPRSS2, on cell fusion.

Keywords:S protein, SARS-CoV-2, syncytia formation, ACE2, TMPRSS2

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