
Identifikacija baterij za distributerje za premikanje konic oziroma njihovo prilagajanje k ugodnejšim cenam električne energije
ID Legan, David (Author), ID Humar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ideja za nalogo se je porodila iz izvornega problema današnjega časa. Zaradi podnebnih sprememb je vse več podjetij usmerjeno na zeleni prehod. Na vseh področij je treba korenito spremeniti pogled na uporabo virov z zamenjavo z alternativnimi viri trajnostnega razvoja. Električna energija dandanes porablja veliko naravnih virov, za katere se pričakuje v bližnji prihodnosti pomanjkanje in izraba. Fosilne, plinske in bencinske vire pridobivanja električne energije že dobro nadomeščajo sončne celice in tudi drugi alternativni viri. Temelj naše naloge bo, kako lahko od sončne svetlobe pridobimo energijo, uporabno za končne uporabnike. Končni cilj in rezultat, ki ga želimo doseči, bo premik konic ali bolje rečeno zadovoljiti potrebam porabe k ugodnejšim cenam. V uvodu bodo na kratko opisani problem, definicija in morebitne nove, izpopolnjene rešitve, ki bi lahko prišle v poštev v prihodnosti poleg že obstoječih. Zaradi vse večjega povpraševanja sončnih elektrarn prihaja v ospredje tesno povezana oprema, baterije na eni strani, ki se jih bo v prihodnje vse več uporabljalo. Trenutni trend kaže, da jih uporablja samo okoli 25 %. Na drugi strani, tako imenovani razsmerniki električne energije, ki skrbijo za pretvorbo izvorne enosmerne energije, ki jih pridobivajo sončne celice, do izmenične električne energije, ki jih potrebujejo viri porabnikov v domovih. Jedro bo zato namenjeno baterijam in razsmernikom. Naštete bodo vse lastnosti in tipi potrebne opreme, celice in materiali, povezave, montaža in standardi. V zaključku bo zaobjeta identifikacija potrebne opreme (baterije in razsmernikov) za naše zahteve in tudi uporaba za distributerje. Izvedena bo analiza, rezultati in učinkovitost izbranega sistema, za katerega sem se odločil.

Keywords:baterije, razsmerniki, sončne celice, podnebne spremembe, trajnostne rešitve, premikanje konic, ugodnejše cene, identifikacija baterij, zeleni prehod, razbremenitev distributerjev električne energije.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161572 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Identification of batteries for distributors for peak shifting or adjusting to more favorable electricity prices
The idea arises from the root problem of our times. Climate change is driving more and more companies towards the green transition. In all areas, there is a need to radically change the way we look at resource use by replacing it with alternative sources of sustainable development. Electricity as such, today consumes a lot of natural resources that are expected to become scarce and to be used up in the near future. Instead of fossil, gas and petrol sources of electricity generation, solar panels and other alternative sources are already well substituted. How to extract usable energy from sunlight that can be used by end-users will be the basis of this debate. The ultimate goal and result we want to achieve will be to shift peaks, or rather to meet consumption needs, towards more affordable prices. The introduction will briefly describe the problem, the definition and possible new and improved solutions that could be considered in the future in addition to the existing ones. The increasing demand for solar power plants is leading to the development of closely coupled equipment, batteries on the one hand, which will be used more and more in the future. The current trend shows that only around 25% use them. On the other hand, so-called inverters (power-splitters), which take care of converting the original DC power generated by solar panels to the AC power needed by the consumer's sources in the home. The core will therefore be dedicated to batteries and direction indicators. It will list all the features and types of equipment needed, cells and materials, connections, installation, standards. Finally, the identification of the necessary equipment (batteries and inverters) for our requirements and also the use for distributors will be covered. The analysis, results and performance of the selected system will be carried out.

Keywords:batteries, inverters, solar cells, climate change, sustainable solutions, energy shifting, optimal prices, battery identification, green energy, relieving electricity distributors.

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