
Merilnik impedance omrežja v frekvenčnem območju komunikacije PLC na mikroračunalniški platformi RF
ID DOMADENIK, SAŠO (Author), ID Humar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem magistrskem delu je opisana izdelava merilnika frekvenčne karakteristike impedance omrežja v frekvenčnem območju komunikacij PLC na osnovi razvojne plošče Red Pitaya STEMlab 125–14. Na začetku dela so predstavljene obstoječe rešitve na tem področju, raziskane so različne metode merjenja in praktične izvedbe merilnikov. Prikazan je postopek načrtovanja merilnika z upoštevanjem lastnosti razvojne plošče. Merilnik uporablja kratek frekvenčni prelet, ki ga pošlje v omrežje, pri čemer zajema signala napetosti in toka. Z uporabo algoritma FFT in kompleksnega deljenja izračuna spekter impedance. Merilnik podpira merjenje impedance v nastavljivih intervalih čez daljše časovno obdobje. Vezje je bilo preizkušeno na vezjih z znanimi frekvenčnimi karakteristikami impedance. Rezultati preizkusov kažejo dobro ujemanje izmerjenih karakteristik s pravilnimi, s čimer se je potrdilo pravilno delovanje. Preizkušena je bila tudi uporaba vezja za merjenje prenosne funkcije omrežja, za kar sta bila uporabljena filtra z znanima prenosnima funkcijama. Rezultati teh preizkusov kažejo slabše ujemanje, ki pa ga je mogoče razložiti. Na koncu je bilo vezje preizkušeno še na omrežju. Rezultati kažejo vpliv stikalnih napajalnikov v bližini mesta meritve, razliko med dnevom in nočjo, pa tudi motnje, ki jih povzroča frekvenčni pretvornik. Primerjava impedanc treh faz omrežja kaže razlike, ki so posledica nesimetrične obremenitve. Meritve prenosne funkcije kažejo jasen vpliv razdalje, opazna pa je tudi sklopitev med fazami.

Keywords:impedanca omrežja, komunikacija PLC, Red Pitaya, prenosna funkcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Network Impedance Meter in the PLC Communications Frequency Range using a Microcomputer RF Platform
This thesis describes the development of a line impedance meter, for the power line communications frequency range, based on the Red Pitaya STEMlab 125--14 development board. First, the existing research in the field is presented, showing different measurement methods and practical meter implementations. The design process, which takes into account the properties of the development board, is described. The meter uses a short frequency sweep, which is injected into the power line, while capturing the current and voltage signals. The impedance spectrum is calculated using the FFT algorithm and complex division. The meter supports measuring the impedance with an adjustable frequency over a longer time period. The circuit was tested using circuits with known impedance frequency characteristics. The results show a good match between the measured and actual characteristics, confirming correct functionality. Measurement of the line's transfer function using the same circuit was also tested using filters with known transfer functions. The results don't match as well, but the error can be explained. Finally, the circuit was also tested on the real power line. The results show the effects of nearby switching power supplies, the difference between day and night, and the interference caused by a variable frequency drive. Comparing the impedances of the three line phases, shows differences, which are the result of an asymmetric load. Transfer function measurements show a clear influence of the distance, and also coupling between different phases.

Keywords:line impedance, power line communication, Red Pitaya, transfer function

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