
Razvoj haptičnega vmesnika za analizo senzorično-motoričnega učenja pri ljudeh
ID AMBROŽIČ, ANTON (Author), ID Podobnik, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babič, Jan (Comentor)

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Delo zajema povratno-zančno vodenje industrijskih servomotorjev, ki generirajo posteriorne sile. Te sile povzročajo motnje ravnotežja pri osebah, ki stoje izvajajo naloge gibanja. Za sledenje gibanja smo uporabili sledilne oznake, oziroma sledilnike, ki so bili nameščeni na testirano osebo. Z Vicon kamerami se je zajemalo gibanje sledilnikov v predhodno nastavljenem koordinatnem sistemu. Z uporabo UDP protokola za prenašanje paketov smo podatke gibanja pošiljali na računalnik s Simulink Real-Time operacijskim sistemom, ki je upravljal servomotorje. Glede na hitrost gibanja testirane osebe je bila generirana sila na motorjih, na katerih so nameščeni vlečni kabli, ti pa so priklenjeni na poseben usnjen pas, ki si ga testirana oseba pripne okoli svojega pasu. Cilj je, da servomotorji ustvarijo dovolj velike posteriorne sile, da vplivajo na ravnotežje vendar ne presežejo meje, kjer bi testirana oseba morala narediti korak, da prepreči padec. V realnem času smo na zaslonu prikazovali gibanje testirane osebe in tarče v katere se mora premikati, ter izpisali uspešnost posameznih poskusov. Pozicija testirane osebe in tarč so bile na monitorju prikazane v obliki krogov. Poleg tega se je po vsakem opravljenem poskusu na monitorju prikazal ustrezen rezultat glede na uspešnost izvedbe. Preko večkratnih poskusov s številnimi testiranimi osebami smo uspeli priti do željenega cilja, kjer nam je uspelo proizvesti željeno silo z motorji in preko Vicon kamer zajemati in prikazovati gibanje. Podatke smo shranili in jih uspeli nemudoma grafično prikazati po vsakem izvedenem eksperimentu. Rezultate smo nato analizirali in primerjali s predhodnimi raziskavami spodbujevalnega učenja.

Keywords:spodbujevano učenje, senzomotorični sistem, povratno-zančno vodenje, motnja s silo, Simulink Real-Time, Vicon kamere, servomotorji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161552 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Haptic interface for analysing sensory-motor learning in humans
This work involves implementing a feedback-loop control for industrial servomotors that generate posterior forces. These forces cause balance disturbances on subjects performing standing movement tasks. Tracking tags or trackers which are used to track movement were attached to the subject. Vicon motion capture cameras captured the movement of the trackers in a previously set coordinate system. Using the User Datagram Protocol, we sent movement data to a computer running on a Simulink Real-Time operating system. Depending on the speed of the subject's movements, a force was generated on the motors on which puller cables are installed. These cables were chained to a special leather belt that the subjects fastened around their waist. The primary objective was to calibrate the servomotors to exert a sufficient force to disrupt the subject's balance by displacing them from their center of mass, while ensuring that the force applied would not evoke a fall. The subject's movements and the targets to which they had to move, were displayed in real-time on a monitor in the form of circles. Additionally, after the completion of each trial, the corresponding result was promptly displayed on the monitor. Through repeated experiments with multiple subjects, we managed to achieve the desired functionality of the system. This enabled us to generate a sufficiently large force with the motors, and capture and display the movement of each individual subject with Vicon motion capture cameras. We were able to then immediately graphically display the saved data after each experiment. These results were analyzed and compared with previous reinforcement learning studies.

Keywords:reinforcement learning, sensorimotor system, feedback-loop control, force perturbation, Simulink Real-Time, Vicon cameras, servomotors

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