
Dejavniki, ki po mnenju osnovnošolcev in njihovih staršev vplivajo na preživljanje prostega časa : magistrsko delo
ID Osredkar, Tjaša (Author), ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zaman, Barbara (Comentor)

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Prosti čas in razpolaganje z njim je pomembna tema, s katero se otroci pri predmetu gospodinjstvo srečajo v 5. razredu osnovne šole. Prosti čas je v osnovi namenjen skrbi za svoje zdravje, sprostitvi, pridobivanju novega znanja in razvijanju spretnosti na področjih, ki posameznika zanimajo. Za uspešno razpolaganje s časom je potrebno razvijati zavedanje o pomembnosti kvalitetnega preživljanja prostega časa in sposobnost organizacije časa. Na način preživljanja otrokovega časa vpliva veliko dejavnikov, med katere sodijo tudi družina, vrstniki, šola ter družba, v kateri živi. Z nalogo smo tako želeli raziskati, kateri dejavniki po mnenju osnovnošolcev druge in tretje triade vplivajo na preživljanje prostega časa in kako na preživljanje prostega časa po mnenju učencev vplivajo starši, vrstniki, digitalna tehnologija, šola in tematike s tega področja, ki se pojavljajo pri predmetu gospodinjstvo. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi, kakšno mnenje imajo starši o pomenu prostega časa za njih in njihove otroke ter v kolikšni meri starši posegajo v otrokovo izbiro prostočasne dejavnosti in kako jih pri tem nadzorujejo., Za zbiranje podatkov je bil uporabljen (pol)strukturiran intervju za pridobivanje podatkov o dejavnikih, ki po mnenju učencev in staršev vplivajo na preživljanje prostega časa. Z raziskavo je bilo mogoče tako pridobiti tudi natančnejši vpogled v mnenja učencev o lastni sposobnosti upravljanja s prostim časom. Rezultati so pokazali, da so glavni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na preživljanje prostega časa, starši, vrstniki, šola ter dostopnost in pestrost izbire prostočasnih dejavnosti. Tako starši kot tudi vrstniki lahko na otrokovo preživljanje prostega časa vplivajo pozitivno, s spodbujanjem in podporo ter omogočanjem varnega in sproščenega okolja. Prav tako lahko oba omenjena dejavnika na otroka vplivata tudi negativno, s slabim zgledom, negativno miselnostjo ter dejanji, ki nižajo otrokovo samozavest in zaupanje v svoje sposobnosti. Šola lahko s preobsežnimi domačimi nalogami posega v prosti čas otrok, predvsem tistih, ki imajo težave z učenjem ali razporejanjem s svojim časom. Tem se zato zmanjša količina prostega časa, ki jim je na voljo. Kljub temu šola učencem omogoča, da se naučijo racionalno razpolagati s svojim prostim časom ter tudi razumejo njegov pomen. Poleg težav s šolo se pri otrocih pojavlja tudi težava s prekomerno uporabo digitalne tehnologije in socialnih omrežij, s katero si otroci krajšajo prosti čas. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo rezultati predhodnih raziskav, da učenci kljub prizadevanju staršev za omejitev uporabe pametnih naprav pred njimi še vedno preživijo več časa kot je priporočeno s strani Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje (NIJZ). Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da se uporaba tehnologije s starostjo povečuje. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se starši zavedajo pomena prostega časa njihovih otrok ter s svojim poseganjem vanj poskušajo poskrbeti, da ga preživijo čim bolj kakovostno. Prosti čas otroka je namreč ključnega pomena za njegovo zdravo in pozitivno prihodnost ter tudi karierno pot, ki lahko v nekaterih primerih izhaja celo iz prostočasnih dejavnosti.

Keywords:gospodinjstvo, prosti čas, obšolske dejavnosti, prostočasne dejavnosti, učenci, vrstniki, starši, šola.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Osredkar
Number of pages:58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161536 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207589635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Factors that Primary School Students and their Parents Consider to Influence the Spending of Leisure Time
Leisure time and its management are an important topic that children encounter in the 5th grade of elementary school in the subject of home economics. Leisure time is dedicated to taking care of one’s health, relaxing, and developing skills and abilities that an individual wants to deepen. To manage time successfully, it is necessary to develop an awareness of the importance of spending quality leisure time and the ability to organize time. The way a child spends his time is influenced by many factors, including family, peers, school, and society. We also wanted to find out what parents' opinion is about the importance of leisure time for them and their children, and to what extent parents intervene in their children's choice of spending leisure time activities. Since it is a very important topic, with which even many adults have problems, we decided to use a (semi)structured interview to collect data because this way, we will be able to obtain better quality data on the factors that, according to students and parents, affect the way students spend their free time. Utilizing the research, we will also gain a more precise insight into the opinions of the students about their ability to manage their free time. The results showed that the main factors influencing the use of free time are parents, peers, school, and the availability and variety of choices of free time activities. Both parents and peers can positively influence children’s leisure time by encouraging and supporting them as well as providing a safe and relaxing environment for them. Both factors can also have a negative effect on the child, with a bad example, a negative mindset, and actions that lower the child's self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. With homework and learning requirements, the school can interfere with the free time of children, especially those who have problems with learning or managing their time. Therefore, the amount of free time available to them is reduced. Nevertheless, its curriculum enables them to learn how to manage their free time rationally and to understand its importance. The subject of home economics also serves this purpose, which could be upgraded and highlighted even more when the curriculum is revised. In addition to problems with school, there is also a problem with children's excessive use of digital technology and social networks, which reduces their free time. The results of the conducted research coincide with the findings of previous researches, which show that despite parents' efforts to limit the use of smart devices, students still spend more time in front of them than is recommended by the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). Technology use has also been found to increase with childs’ age. Despite efforts by parents to limit the use of smart devices, they still spend way too much time using them, according to National Institute for Public Health (NIJZ) recommendations. The results showed that parents are aware of the importance of their children's free time, and by interfering with it, they try to make sure that they spend it as well as possible. The results will also make it possible to conclude how we as teachers can contribute to the better development of children's time management skills. A child's free time is crucial for his healthy and positive future, as well as a career path, which in some cases can even sprout from leisure activities. The results of the research will, therefore, also make it possible to conclude how we can contribute to the better development of children's time management skills.

Keywords:home economics, free time, extracurricular activities, leisure activities, students, peers, parents, school.

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