
Prilagojen gibalni program za osebe s težjimi in težkimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Vide, Martina (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gibanje ima mnoge pozitivne učinke na dobro počutje in zdravje ljudi, obstajajo pa različni pogoji in potrebe pod katerimi se posamezniki lahko vključijo v gibalne programe. Posebne prilagoditve potrebujejo osebe s težjimi in težkimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju, ki zaradi kompleksnosti svojih težav potrebujejo individualno prilagojene gibalne programe. Eden od teh je tudi program MATP (Motor Activity Training Program) v okviru specialne olimpiade, ki je bil redko predmet raziskovanja v preteklosti. S pomočjo intervjujev in vprašalnikov smo raziskali izvajanje programa MATP v Sloveniji. Ugotovili smo, da je organizacija tekmovanj, zaradi specifičnosti populacije tekmovalcev zahteven proces, da zagotovi dostopnost vsem ne glede na motnjo. Pri tem so ključnega pomena prostovoljci, ki potrebujejo določena znanja s področja posebnih potreb, hkrati pa tudi sami z izkušnjo pridobijo dodatna znanja in kompetence. Iz tega razloga je smiselno, da se k vlogi prostovoljcev vabi študente specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike. Tekmovalci v Sloveniji trenirajo večinoma znotraj specializiranih ustanov, v katere so vključeni, pogostost treningov se med ustanovami razlikuje.

Keywords:Osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, Posebna olimpiada, Športi za osebe s posebnimi potrebami, kvaliteta življenja, motnje v duševnem razvoju, specialna olimpiada, šport, tekmovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Vide
Number of pages:VII, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161535 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207602947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Adapted physical activity programme for people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities in Slovenia
Physical exercise has many positive effects on people’s well-being and health, but there are different conditions and needs under which individuals can engage in exercise programmes. Special adaptations are needed by people with severe intellectual disabilities who, due to the complexity of their problems, require individually adapted movement programs. One of these programs is MATP (Motor Activity Training Program) as part of the Special Olympics. With the help of interviews and questionnaires, we investigated the implementation of the MATP programme in Slovenia. We found that the organization of competitions, due to the specifics of the competitors’ population, is a demanding process to ensure accessibility for all, regardless of the disorder. Volunteers who need specific skills in the field of special needs, but at the same time gain a lot of skills and competences through experience are of key importance. For this reason, it makes sense to invite students of special and rehabilitation pedagogy to the role of volunteers. Competitors in Slovenia train mostly within the specialized institutions in which they are involved, and the frequency of training varies between institutions.

Keywords:quality of life, intellectual disability, Special Olympics, sport, competition

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