
Jedkanje z modro galico v osnovni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Koren, Lea (Author), ID Frelih, Črtomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključnem magistrskem delu raziskujem možnosti uporabe tehnike jedkanja v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu izpostavim negativne plati tradicionalnih materialov in postopkov ter preučim alternativne postopke jedkanja z modro galico in drugimi, manj škodljivimi materiali, ki so za izvajanje v osnovni šoli primernejši od tradicionalnih. V nalogi se poglobim v izvajanje grafike kot likovnega področja v osnovni šoli ter v teoretična izhodišča in likovne probleme, ki jih tehnika jedkanice lepo prikazuje in rešuje. V praktičnem delu predstavim svoj proces raziskovanja in ustvarjanja, ki zajema primerjavo med akrili in alkoholnim flomastrom kot zaščitno prevleko, primerjavo uporabe cinkove in aluminijeve plošče s temi grundi, postopek jedkanja in kakšne so razlike v rezultatih, ki jih dobimo s samim jedkanjem, ter sam stroškovni vidik celotnega procesa, ki je za izvajanje v osnovni šoli tudi pomemben. V pedagoškem delu naloge je nadalje predstavljena učna priprava, ki sem jo pripravila ter uporabila za izvajanje jedkanice v osnovni šoli, ter izdelki učencev, ki so nastali pri pouku Likovnega snovanja II. V empiričnem delu za zaključek ugotavljam, da je izvajanje jedkanice v osnovni šoli z alternativnimi postopki primerno, saj so materiali in postopki učiteljem dostopni, učenci osmega razreda pa so tehniko izvajali brez težav in likovne probleme uspešno reševali. Iz finančnega in časovnega vidika je v manjši skupini tehniko tudi mogoče izpeljati.

Keywords:likovna umetnost, grafika, jedkanica, netoksična umetnost, alternativni postopki, modra galica, osnovne šole, jedkanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Koren
Number of pages:VII, 69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161532 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207584003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Copper Sulfate Etching in Primary School
In this thesis, I examine the possibilities of using the etching technique in elementary school. In the theoretical part, I point out the negative aspects of the traditional materials and processes, and I examine alternative etching processes using copper sulfate and other less harmful materials that can be used for this technique and are much more suitable for use in elementary schools than the traditional ones. I delve into the implementation of graphics as an art field in elementary school, and the theoretical foundations and artistic problems that the etching technique nicely illustrates and solves. In the practical part, I present my research and creation process, which includes a comparison between acrylics and alcohol-based markers as protective coatings, a comparison of using zinc and aluminum plates with these grounds, the etching process, and the differences in the results obtained from the etching itself, and I present the cost aspect of the entire process, which is also important for implementation in elementary school. In the pedagogical part, there is a lesson plan that I prepared and used for implementation of etching in elementary school, and I present the student works that were created during the lesson of Art Planning II. In the empirical part, I find that the implementation of etching in elementary school using alternative procedures is appropriate, that the materials and procedures are accessible to the teachers, that the eighth-grade students performed this technique without any problems, and that they solved art problems very well. From a financial and time perspective, it is also possible to carry out the technique in a smaller group.

Keywords:fine arts, printmaking, etching, non-toxic art, alternative processes, copper sulfate, elementary schools

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