
Volitve v občinske skupščine 1990: Gorenjska : magistrsko delo
ID Dežman, Urša (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo skuša osvetliti pomembne politične spremembe v Sloveniji konec osemdesetih let ter prikazati volitve v občinske skupščine gorenjskih občin Jesenice, Kranj, Radovljica, Škofja Loka in Tržič aprila 1990, ki predstavljajo pomemben mejnik v prehodu Slovenije od enopartijskega sistema k večstrankarski demokraciji. Gre za prve večstrankarske in demokratične volitve v Socialistični republiki Sloveniji, ki potekale istočasno z republiškimi volitvami. So rezultat vedno večjih zahtev po demokratičnih spremembah civilne družbe, ki se je v osemdesetih letih začela razvijati v Sloveniji. Dopolnila k slovenski ustavi, ki so bila sprejeta septembra 1989, so omogočila sprejetje Zakona o političnem združevanju. Decembra istega leta je slovenska skupščina sprejela možnost političnega združevanja in posledično so se zveze, ki so nastale v drugi polovici osemdesetih let, lahko registrirale kot politične organizacije. Istočasno je bil sprejet tudi Zakon o volitvah v skupščine, ki je omogočil izvedbo večstrankarskih in demokratičnih volitev. Na volitvah so nastopile novonastale stranke, ki so se povezale v združeno opozicijo Demos, ter stranke predstavnice starega sistema, ki so se prilagodile novi politični realnosti. Stranke so imele v svojih programih zelo podobna stališča, do razhajanja pa je prihajalo pri vprašanju suverenosti slovenske države. Kljub novemu zakonu se je ohranilo volitve v tri zbore občinske skupščine, in sicer v družbenopolitični zbor, zbor krajevnih skupnosti in zbor združenega dela. Volitve so bile velik zalogaj tako za volivce kot tudi volilne organe zaradi neizkušenosti, zapletene strukture zborov in samega volilnega sistema. Občinske volitve v obravnavanih občinah zaznamuje pomanjkanje ohranjenega gradiva, saj se v nekaterih občinah ni ohranilo skoraj nič in so edini vir predstavljale objave v časopisju.

Keywords:občinske volitve, politične stranke, večstrankarski sistem, demokracija, Demos
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Dežman Rot
Number of pages:141 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161522 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207283971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Municipal assembly elections 1990: Gorenjska
The master's thesis tries to shed light on the important political changes in Slovenia at the end of the 1980s and to show the elections to the municipal assemblies of the Gorenjska municipalities of Jesenice, Kranj, Radovljica, Škofja Loka and Tržič in April 1990, which represent an important milestone in Slovenia's transition from a one-party system to a multi-party democracy. It is the first multi-party and democratic elections in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, held simultaneously with the general elections. The elections itself are a result of ever-increasing demands for democratic changes in civil society, which began to develop in Slovenia in the 1980s. Amendments to the Slovenian Constitution, which were adopted in September 1989, made it possible to adopt the Act on Political Association in December of the same year. Slovenian Assembly accepted the possibility of political association, and organizations that were formed in the second half of the 1980s could register as political organizations. At the same time, the Law on Assembly Elections was adopted, which made it possible to hold multi-party and democratic elections. Newly formed parties joined the united opposition Demos and parties representing the old system, which adapted to the new political reality, took part in the elections as well. The parties had similar positions in their programs, but there was a divergence on the issue of the sovereignty of the Slovenian state. Despite the new law, elections to the three assemblies of the municipal assembly were maintained, namely the socio-political assembly, the assembly of local communities and the assembly of united labour. The elections were a big undertaking for both the voters and electoral workers, due to inexperience, the complex structure of the assemblies and the electoral system itself. The municipal elections in the municipalities in question are marked by a lack of preserved material, as in some municipalities almost nothing has been preserved and the only source was newspaper publications.

Keywords:municipal elections, political parties, multi-party system, democracy, Demos

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