
Učinki samostojno izvajane zgodnje vadbe za moč in senzorično motorične vadbe po totalni kolčni artroplastiki
ID Krištof Mirt, Pika (Author), ID Trebše, Rihard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Strojnik, Vojko (Comentor)

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Uvod: Vstavitev kolčne endoproteze predstavlja izjemno uspešno operativno zdravljenje artroze kolka, predvsem glede zmanjšanja bolečine in izboljšanja mobilnosti bolnika. Ob standardni pooperativni rehabilitaciji pa tudi po enem letu lahko ostajajo funkcionalne omejitve, ki so povezane s slabšo največjo močjo mišic operiranega kolka. Zato se v pooperativne protokole začenja vključevati tudi zgodnja vadba za moč. Zasnovali smo nov protokol rehabilitacije, ki vključuje zgodnjo vadbo za moč in senzorično-motorično vadbo (VMS), in ga primerjali z obstoječo terapevtsko vadbo po totalni kolčni artroplastiki (THA) z anteriornim pristopom pri bolnikih s primarno artrozo kolka. V raziskavi smo preverili: 1) ali lahko z zgodnjo VMS pospešimo pooperativno rehabilitacijo, in ali je tudi končni klinični uspeh boljši; 2) ali je zgodnja VMS varna; 3) ali so naše meritve glede na testiranje ponovljivosti meritev zanesljive. Metode: Prospektivna randomizirana raziskava je potekala v dveh ustanovah: Splošni bolnišnici Novo mesto (SBNM) in Ortopedski bolnišnici Valdoltra (OBV). Glede na analizo moči je bilo predvideno vključiti 124 preiskovancev v vsaki ustanovi, predoperativno razporejenih s pomočjo računalniške randomizacije v intervencijsko (IS) in kontrolno skupino (KS). Vključitveni kriteriji: primarna artroza enega kolka, starost nad 60 let, ASA 1–3, podpisano soglasje za sodelovanje v raziskavi, brez demence in terminalnih bolezni, ki bi onemogočale sodelovanje pri rehabilitaciji. Vsi bolniki so imeli vstavljeno kolčno endoprotezo z anteriornim pristopom na kolk, v SBNM en operater, v OBV štirje. Če je med operacijo po presoji operaterja prišlo do kakršnih koli odstopanj, zaradi katerih ne bi mogli ustrezno sodelovati pri vadbi, so bili iz raziskave izključeni. Med hospitalizacijo so vsi izvajali vadbo po obstoječem usklajenem protokolu. Pred odpustom so fizioterapevti bolnike iz IS dodatno naučili vaj zgodnje VMS. Bolniki obeh skupin so prejeli videoposnetke vadbe in pisna navodila ter vadbeni dnevnik za beleženje izvajanja vaj. Telefonsko smo spremljali pojav morebitnih težav, izpolnjevanje vadbenega dnevnika ter razumevanje vaj. Vsi preiskovanci so opravili pregled pri ortopedu z oceno kliničnega statusa, meritve izometričnih navorov in funkcijske teste (test vstani in pojdi, test 6 m hoje), specifično ocenjevalno lestvico za kolk Harris Hip Score (HHS) in vprašalnik o kvaliteti življenja SF-36 predoperativno, po treh in dvanajstih mesecih od operativnega posega. Beležili smo ev. pojav stranskih učinkov vadbe ali zapletov. Rezultati: V celotnem obdobju spremljanja nismo zaznali klinično pomembnih statističnih razlik med skupinama. Prav tako nismo zaznali povišane incidence stranskih učinkov oz. zapletov. Bolniki s slabšimi izhodiščnimi vrednostmi so bolje napredovali. Dvosmerni intraklasni koeficient z mešanimi učinki in popolnim ujemanjem je dosegel vrednosti >0,9 pri testiranju zanesljivost uporabljenih metod meritev največjih hotenih izometričnih navorov, testa vstani in pojdi in testa 6 m hoje. Zaključki: 1) Z uporabo zgodnje VMS bolniki v zgodnjem pooperativnem obdobju do 3 mesece po operaciji okrevajo primerljivo hitro. Večji napredek v vrednostih HHS in hitrosti hoje so dosegli bolniki s slabšim izhodiščnim stanjem. 2) Uporaba zgodnje VMS pri bolnikih po THA z anteriornim pristopom je varna. 3) ICC koeficient je dosegel vrednosti >0,9 pri testiranju zanesljivosti uporabljenih metod meritev.

Keywords:Totalna kolčna artroplastika, Zgodnja pooperativna vadba, Vadba za moč, Samostojno izvajana vadba na domu
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of early home-based strength and sensory-motor training after total hip arthroplasty
Introduction: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a highly successful surgical treatment for hip osteoarthritis (OA), especially in terms of pain reduction and improved patient mobility. Despite standard postoperative rehabilitation, functional limitations related to impaired muscle strength of the operated hip may persist even after 1 year. Therefore, early strength training is starting to be included in postoperative protocols. We designed a new rehabilitation protocol that integrates early muscle strength training and sensory-motor training (VMS) and compared it with existing therapeutic exercise after THA using an anterior approach in patients with primary hip OA. In this study, we investigated 1) whether early VMS can accelerate postoperative rehabilitation and improve final clinical outcomes; 2) whether early VMS is safe; and 3) whether our measurements are reliable with respect to repeatability testing. Methods: This was a prospective randomized study in two institutions: the General Hospital Novo mesto (SBNM) and the Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra (OBV). According to the power analysis, 124 subjects were planned to be enrolled in each institution and preoperatively allocated by computer randomization into intervention (IS) and control (KS) groups. The inclusion criteria were as follows: primary OA of one hip, age over 60 years, ASA 1–3, signed consent to participate in the study, and no dementia or terminal illnesses that would preclude participation in rehabilitation. All patients underwent THA with an anterior approach to the hip, one surgeon in SB NM, and four in OBV. If, at the discretion of the surgeon, there were any abnormalities during surgery that would have prevented them from participating adequately in exercise, they were excluded from the study. During hospitalization, all patients performed exercise according to the existing coordinated protocol. Before discharge, physiotherapists additionally taught the IS patients early VMS exercises. Patients in both groups received exercise videos and written instructions, as well as an exercise diary to record exercise performance. The occurrence of any problems, completion of the exercise diary and understanding of the exercises were monitored by telephone. All subjects underwent an orthopaedic examination with assessment of clinical status, maximal isometric muscle contraction measurements and functional tests (timed-up-and-go TUG test, 6 m walk test), the Harris Hip Score (HHS) and the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire preoperatively and at 1, 3 and 12 months after surgery. The occurrence of exercise side effects or complications was recorded. Results: During the entire follow-up period, we did not detect clinically significant statistical differences between the two groups. We also did not detect an increased incidence of side effects or complications. Patients with worse baseline values progressed better. The value of the two-way mixed-effects intraclass coefficient with perfect matching were >0,9 for maximal voluntary isometric muscle contraction measurement, the TUG test and the 6 m walk test. Conclusions: 1) Using early VMS, patients recovered comparably fast in the early postoperative period up to 3 months after surgery. Patients with poorer baseline status had a greater improvement in HHS and gait speed. 2) The use of early VMS in patients after THA with an anterior approach is safe. 3) The ICC coefficient values were >0,9.

Keywords:Total hip arthroplasty, Early postoperative exercise, Strength training, Home-based exercise without supervision

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