
Uporaba baterijskih hranilnikov na kritični točki električne vleke
ID Bele, Erik (Author), ID Čepin, Marko Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi sem se osredotočil na preučevanje uporabe baterijskih hranilnikov na ključnih mestih v električni vleki. Za začetek sem podal pregled trenutnega stanja ter razvoja železniške elektrifikacije v Sloveniji. Pozornost sem namenil podrobnemu opisu delovanja elektronapajalnih postaj (ENP) in voznih omrežij (VO), ki so ključni za zagotavljanje nemotenega delovanja električnega vlečnega sistema. V nadaljevanju sem raziskal obstoječe metode ozemljitve in izpostavil izzive, povezane z napetostjo dotika, ki lahko ogrožajo varno delovanje sistema in varnost uporabnikov. Izvedel sem analizo potenciala na povratnem vodniku ter preučil, kako lahko zaščitne naprave prispevajo k obvladovanju teh težav. Pri meritvah, ki sem jih dobil v podjetju Slovenskih železnic na železniškem postajališču Otoče, sem ugotovil, da trenutna infrastruktura ni dovolj močna, da bi učinkovito obvladovala naraščajoče prometne obremenitve, kar povzroča dvig potenciala na povratnem vodniku. To nakazuje, da obstoječi sistem morda ne bo zmožen zadostiti povečanim potrebam po energiji v prihodnosti. Dotaknil sem se izračuna porabe energije vlaka na progovnem odseku Kranj – Žirovnica, kamor bi vgradili baterije. Z izračunom porabe energije ter nagibom proge na območju Otoče sem podal ugotovitev razlogov za delovanje zaščitnih naprav med normalnim obratovanjem. Kot rešitev za te težave sem predlagal uvedbo litij-železo-fosfatnih (LFP) baterij, kot dodatno elektronapajalno postajo (ENP). Te baterije bi lahko pomembno prispevale k stabilizaciji napetosti v omrežju, saj omogočajo shranjevanje energije, pridobljene med regenerativnim zaviranjem vlakov, ter njeno sproščanje v času povečanih energetskih potreb. S pomočjo izračunov sem določil ustrezno kapaciteto baterij, da bi te lahko učinkovito služile kot dodatni vir napajanja. Izračuni so pokazali, da bi uvedba baterijskega sistema lahko zmanjšala napetost dotika in izboljšala celotno zmogljivost elektroenergetskega sistema. Na koncu sem ugotovil, da bi integracija baterij v omrežje električne vleke predstavljala dolgoročno in učinkovito rešitev za izboljšanje zanesljivosti in varnosti železniškega sistema. Z njimi bi lahko obvladovali povečanje prometu danes in v prihodnosti.

Keywords:elektronapajalna postaja, vozno omrežje, baterije, napetost, vlak
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161482 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207234819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Use of battery storage at critical point of electric traction
In the assignment, I focused on studying the use of battery accumulators at key points in electric traction. To begin with, I gave an overview of the current situation and the development of railway electrification in Slovenia. I paid attention to a detailed description of the operation of electric power stations (ENP) and driving networks (VO), which are key to ensuring the smooth operation of the electric traction system. In the following, I explored existing grounding methods and highlighted the challenges associated with touch voltage that can threaten the safe operation of the system and the safety of users. I performed a potential analysis on the return line and looked at how protective devices can help to control these problems. In the measurements I got on behalf of Slovenian railways at the Otoče railway station, I found that the current infrastructure is not strong enough to effectively handle the growing traffic loads, which causes an increase in the potential on the return conductor. This suggests that the existing system may not be able to meet increased energy needs in the future. I touched on the calculation of the energy consumption of the train on the Kranj - Žirovnica line section, where the batteries would be installed. By calculating the energy consumption and the slope of the track in the Otoče area, I gave a conclusion of the reasons for the operation of protective devices during normal operation. As a solution to these problems, I proposed the introduction of lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) batteries as an additional electrical power station (ENP). These batteries could significantly contribute to the stabilization of the voltage in the network, as they enable the storage of energy obtained during the regenerative braking of trains and its release in times of increased energy needs. With the help of calculations, I determined the appropriate capacity of the batteries so that they could effectively serve as an additional power source. Calculations showed that the introduction of a battery system could reduce the touch voltage and improve the overall performance of the power system. In the end, I concluded that the integration of batteries into the electric traction network would represent a long-term and effective solution for improving the reliability and safety of the railway system. They could handle the increase in traffic today and in the future.

Keywords:electric power stations, driving networks, batteries, voltage, train

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