
Vpliv debeline perovskitne plasti na delovanje perovskitnih sončnih celic
ID Bratuž, Zala (Author), ID Jošt, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na analizo delovanja perovskitnih sončnih celic z različnimi debelinami perovskitne plasti. Ob upoštevanju ciljev EU na področju obnovljivih virov energije [1] in ob vse večji pomembnosti sončne energije je raziskava usmerjena v optimizacijo delovanja perovskitnih sončnih celic, katerih učinkovitost lahko pomembno prispeva k doseganju zastavljenih ciljev. V diplomskem delu smo natančno opisali postopke priprave sončnih celic, vključno s čiščenjem steklenih substratov, pripravo kemikalij in nanosom plasti ter karakterizacijo izdelanih sončnih celic. Posebno pozornost smo namenili pripravi raztopin in spinskemu nanosu plasti perovskita, da smo lahko nanesli tanjše plasti. Opisani so tudi preostali postopki nanašanja plasti C60, BCP in bakra v evaporatorju. Izdelanim celicam smo pomerili tokovno-napetostno karakteristiko (I-U), zunanji kvantni izkoristek (EQE), refleksijo, transmisijo in absorpcijo svetlobe ter določanje točke maksimalne moči (MPPT). V eksperimentalnem delu smo se osredotočili na primerjavo perovskitnih celic različnih debelin. Ugotovili smo, da se z manjšanjem debeline perovskitnega sloja manjšata tudi absorpcija svetlobe in učinkovitost celic. Tanjše celice imajo nižji zunanji kvantni izkoristek (EQE) in večjo verjetnost rekombinacije nosilcev naboja, kar vpliva na zmanjšanje kratkostične tokovne gostote, napetosti odprtih sponk in polnilnega faktorja. Meritve refleksije, transmisije in absorpcije potrjujejo, da tanjše plasti omogočajo večjo transmisijo svetlobe in manjšo absorpcijo, zaradi česar so celice pri tem manj učinkovite. Diplomsko delo prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju vpliva debeline perovskitne plasti na učinkovitost sončnih celic. Ugotovili smo, da je optimalnejša debelejša plast perovskitnega sloja, a se pri tem porabi več materiala, zato je ključnega pomena doseganje ravnotežja med učinkovitostjo celic in porabo kemikalij. Ugotovitve lahko pripomorejo k nadaljnjemu razvoju in izboljšavam v fotovoltaiki ter širši uporabi sončne energije.

Keywords:sončna celica, perovskit, debelina sloja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161463 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207900675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of perovskite layer thickness on performance of perovskite solar cells
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the performance of perovskite solar cells with different perovskite layer thicknesses. Considering the EU's renewable energy goals and the increasing importance of solar energy, the research aims to optimize the performance of perovskite solar cells whose efficiency can significantly contribute to achieving these goals. In the thesis, we precisely described the procedures for preparing solar cells, including cleaning glass substrates, measuring and preparing chemicals, and applying layers, as well as the characterization of the manufactured solar cells. Special attention was given to the preparation of solutions and the spin coating process of applying the perovskite layers in order to achieve thinner layers. The remaining procedures for the deposition of C60, BCP, and copper layers in the evaporator are also described. The measurements included current-voltage characteristics (J-V), external quantum efficiency (EQE), reflection, transmission, and light absorption, as well as determining the maximum power point (MPPT). In the experimental part, we focused on comparing perovskite cells of different thicknesses. We found that reducing the thickness of the perovskite layer also decreases light absorption and cell efficiency. Thinner cells have lower external quantum efficiency (EQE) and a higher probability of charge carrier recombination, which affects the reduction of short-circuit current density, open-circuit voltage, and fill factor. Measurements of reflection, transmission, and absorption confirm that thinner layers allow for greater light transmission and lower absorption, but, as a result, the cells are less efficient. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of the impact of perovskite layer thickness on solar cell efficiency. We found a thicker perovskite layer to be optimal, but it requires more material, so that it is crucial to achieve a balance between cell efficiency and chemical consumption. The findings can contribute to further development and improvements in photovoltaics and the broader use of solar energy.

Keywords:solar cell, perovskite, layer thickness

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