
Karakterizacija CCD polja digitalne kamere za potrebe spektralne analize neba
ID Klobučar, Aljaž (Author), ID Lipovšek, Benjamin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kikelj, Miha (Comentor)

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Karakterizacija CCD polja digitalne kamere za potrebe spektralne analize neba podaja lastnosti CCD senzorja, kot so odziv in spektralna občutljivost. Iz lastnosti in karakteristik lahko iz zajete slike predvidevamo o vpadnem spektru, njegovi moči in gostoti moči. V raziskovalnem delu smo vzeli digitalno kamero in jo karakterizirali z monokromatorjem. Karakterizirali smo jo tako, da smo pri vsaki spektralni komponenti monokromatorja zajeli sliko. Iz slik smo dobili direktni odziv. Uporabili smo vir monokromatorja, da smo izračunali spektralno občutljivost senzorja. Spektralno občutljivost smo nato uporabili, da smo izračunali odziv pri referenčnem spektru in iz njega izračunali vsoto vrednosti barvnih kanalov in določili njihovo razmerje. Razmerja barvnih kanalov referenčnega spektra smo nato uporabili pri meritvi poljubnega svetlobnega vira. Zajeto sliko svetlobnega vira smo karakterizirali in dobili vsoto vrednosti barvnih pik vseh kanalov in razmerje primerjali z razmerjem odziva na referenčni spekter. S primerjavo smo lahko sklepali o obliki vpadnega spektra in izračunali približek vpadne moči.

Keywords:CCD polje, spektralna občutljivost, referenčni spekter, barvni kanali, razmerje kanalov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161461 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207894019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of the CCD field of a digital camera for the purpose of spectral analysis of the sky
Characterization of the CCD array of a digital camera for the purpose of spectral analysis of the sky gives the properties of the CCD sensor, such as response and spectral sensitivity. From the properties and characteristics, we can predict the spectrum, its power and power density from the captured image. In the research work, we took a digital camera and characterized it with a monochromator. We characterized it by capturing an image for each spectral component of the monochromator. We got a direct response from the pictures. We used the monochromator’s light source to calculate the spectral sensitivity of the sensor. The spectral sensitivity was then used to calculate the response at the reference spectrum. From the response at the reference spectrum, we calculated the sum of the values of all 3 colour channels and determined their ratio. The ratios of the colour channels of the reference spectrum were then used in the measurement of any light source. The captured image of the light source was characterized by calculating the sum of the values of every colour channel and then calculating the ratio between channels. The ratio was compared with the ratio of the response to the reference spectrum. By comparison, we were able to infer the shape of the incident spectrum and calculate an approximation of the incident power.

Keywords:CCD array, spectral sensitivity, reference spectrum, colour channels, channel ratio

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