
Pravica do osebnega zdravnika : diplomsko delo
ID Stopinšek, Nika (Author), ID Nikolić, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko pravice do osebnega zdravnika. Gre za prvi korak v postopku uveljavljanja materialnih pravic iz obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Pravica do osebnega zdravnika in zdravstvenega zavarovanja v skladu z načelom solidarnosti zagotavlja zavarovanim osebam enakopraven položaj pri uresničevanju zdravstvenih storitev, saj lahko izberejo zdravstvenega izvajalca, ki se jim zdi najprimernejši, z določenimi omejitvami. Diplomsko delo obsega teoretični in empirični del ter je razdeljeno na pet vsebinskih poglavij, ki obravnavajo pravico in dostopnost do osebnega zdravnika ter pravne možnosti zdravstveno zavarovanih oseb v primeru nedostopa do osebnega zdravnika. V nalogi so uporabljene metode deskripcije, komparativne analize, analiza sekundarnih virov, pravna analiza in kvalitativna analiza. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljeni osnovni pojmi in zakonodaja, ki ureja pravico do osebnega zdravnika, vključno z opisom pravnih okvirov in temeljev, ki urejajo delovanje zdravstvenega sistema. Empirični del predstavlja analizo trenutnega stanja števila osebnih zdravnikov v Sloveniji ter njihovo primerjavo s stanjem v drugih evropskih državah. Na podlagi analize zakonodaje in sodne prakse ter literature so na koncu raziskane pravne možnosti zdravstveno zavarovane osebe v primeru nedostopa do osebnega zdravnika. Na podlagi raziskave je ugotovljeno, da pravica do osebnega zdravnika ni ustrezno pravno urejena, kar ustvarja pravne praznine in omejuje dostop do osebnih zdravnikov. Število zdravnikov upada, medtem ko število pacientov narašča, kar dodatno obremenjuje sistem. Ugotovitve izpostavljajo potrebo po zakonodajnih reformah za izboljšanje dostopnosti in pravne zaščite pravic zavarovancev, pa tudi za zagotavljanje boljših delovnih pogojev za zdravnike, da bi tako spodbudili študente medicine k specializaciji družinske medicine.

Keywords:osebni zdravnik, obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, Zakon o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju, Zakon o pacientovih pravicah, Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Stopinšek]
Number of pages:XI, 61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161456 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207292675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Right to a personal doctor
The thesis deals with the right to a personal doctor, the first step in the process of claiming material rights under the compulsory health insurance. The right to a personal doctor and health insurance, in accordance with the principle of solidarity, guarantees insured persons an equal position in providing health services, since they can choose the health care provider they consider most appropriate with some limitations. The thesis comprises a theoretical and an empirical part and is divided into five substantive chapters dealing with the right to a personal doctor. The methods used in the thesis are descriptive, comparative analysis, analysis of secondary sources, legal analysis and qualitative analysis. The theoretical part describes in detail the basic concepts and legislation governing the right to a personal doctor, including a detailed description of the legal frameworks and foundations governing the function of the health system and patients' rights. The empirical part presents an analysis of the current situation of the number of personal physicians in Slovenia and a comparison with the situation in other European countries. Finally, based on the analysis of the legislation, the legal options of the insured person in the event of a breach of this right. The theoretical part aims to analyse the legal basis of the right, while the empirical part explores the actual situation and the possible solutions for its problems. The analysis concludes that the right to a personal doctor exceeds the legal mandate, creating legal gaps and limiting access to personal doctors. The number of doctors is decreasing while the number of patients is rising, putting additional strain on the healthcare system. The findings highlight the need for legislative reforms to improve accessibility and legal protection of insured persons, as well as to provide better working conditions for doctors in order to encourage medical students to specialise in family medicine.

Keywords:personal doctor, compulsory health insurance, Health Care and Health Insurance Act, Patients' Rights Act, Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia

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