
ID Kozic, Lea (Author), ID Androjna, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Požarna varnost na Ro-Ro ladjah« predstavlja temeljito raziskavo, ki se osredotoča na pomembno področje varnosti v pomorstvu. Roll-on/Roll-off (v nadaljevanju Ro-Ro) ladje so posebej izpostavljene požarnim tveganjem zaradi narave tovora, ki ga prevažajo, kot so vozila z litij-ionskimi baterijami. Cilj naloge je bil raziskati in analizirati različne vidike požarne varnosti na Ro-Ro ladjah, prav tako pa smo želeli identificirati ključne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na požar ter predlagati ukrepe za preprečitev nastanka požarov na Ro-Ro ladjah. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena osnovna definicija požarne varnosti na ladjah. Prav tako podamo tudi definicijo Ro-Ro ladij, predstavimo vrste požarnih tveganj in pravno ureditev požarne varnosti na ladjah. Praktični del naloge pa zajema analizo požara na konkretnem primeru ladje Felicity Ace, ki je leta 2022 doživela izbruh požara med prevozom vozil preko Atlantskega oceana. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da vzrok za požar na Ro-Ro ladji Felicity Ace najverjetneje izhaja iz vžiga litij-ionske baterije električnega avtomobila znamke Porsche. Prav tako pa so ugotovitve pokazale, da vzrok za požar ni bil le vžigu navedene baterije, temveč tudi v pomanjkanju ustreznih sistemov za gašenje tovrstnih baterijskih požarov na ladji. Kljub hitremu odzivu posadke in reševalnih ekip je požar na ladji trajal več dni, kar je oteževalo obvladovanje situacije in povečalo škodo na ladji ter tovoru.

Keywords:požarna varnost, požar, ladja, Ro-Ro ladja, Felicity Ace
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161431 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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The diploma thesis entitled »Fire Safety on Ro-Ro Ships« presents a comprehensive study focusing on an important area of maritime safety. Roll-on/Roll-off (hereinafter Ro-Ro) ships are particularly exposed to fire risks due to the nature of the cargo they carry, such as vehicles with lithium-ion batteries. The aim of the thesis was to investigate and analyze various aspects of fire safety on Ro-Ro ships, as well as to identify key factors influencing fires, and to propose measures to prevent fires on Ro-Ro ships. The theoretical part presents the basic definition of fire safety on ships and Ro-Ro ships, as well as types of fire risks, and legal regulation on ship fire safety. The practical part of the thesis includes an analysis of a fire case on the Felicity Ace, where a fire broke out in 2022 while the ship was transporting vehicles across the Atlantic Ocean. It was found that the cause of the fire on the Ro-Ro ship Felicity Ace most likely originated from the ignition of a lithium-ion battery in an electric Porsche car. Furthermore, findings indicated that the cause of the fire was not only the ignition of the mentioned battery but also the lack of adequate systems for extinguishing such battery fires on the ship. Despite the rapid response of the crew and rescue teams, the fire lasted several days, making it difficult to control the situation and increasing the damage to the ship and its cargo.

Keywords:fire safety, fire, ship, Ro-Ro ship, Felicity Ace

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