
Povezava socialne anksioznosti z uživanjem alkohola med študenti v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Šercer, Katja (Author), ID Vec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje povezavo med socialno anksioznostjo in uživanjem alkohola med študenti v Sloveniji. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila teoretična spoznanja o socialni anksioznosti in njeni klinični obliki, socialno anksiozni motnji. Razložila sem etiologijo motnje, pojav in potek, razširjenost, njene oblike ter nato prešla na komorbidnost z motnjo uživanja alkohola. Sledila je pojasnitev pojmov povezanih z uživanjem alkohola. Na podlagi teh izhodišč sem socialno anksioznost in uživanje alkohola razložila v povezavi s populacijo študentov. V zaključnem delu sem se osredotočila na razlago kompleksne povezave med socialno anksioznostjo in uživanjem alkohola ter predstavila motivacijski model uživanja alkohola. Empirični del je obsegal kvantitativno raziskavo, katere namen je bil raziskovanje odnosa med socialno anksioznostjo in uživanjem alkohola med populacijo slovenskih študentov ter pri tem raziskati vlogo motivov pitja v tej povezavi. Poleg tega me je zanimala razširjenost doživljanja socialne anksioznosti med študenti ter razlike med spoloma glede spremenljivk uživanja alkohola, doživljanja socialne anksioznosti in motivov uživanja alkohola. Anketni vprašalnik je bil namenjen študentom treh slovenskih javnih univerz. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 838 študentov, od tega 614 žensk ter 224 moških, starih med 18 in 27 let. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali visoko razširjenost doživljanja socialne anksioznosti med študenti (42,6 %), ki je pogostejše med študentkami kot študenti. Pomembna ugotovitev raziskave je, da motivi za obvladovanje, socialni motivi in motivi prilagajanja pomembno posredujejo v odnosu med socialno anksioznostjo in težavami povezanimi z uživanjem alkohola, in sicer vplivajo na povečanje težav. Socialna anksioznost v raziskavi se ni pomembno povezovala s težavami povezanimi z uživanjem alkohola in tveganjem za razvoj motnje uživanja alkohola. Zanimiva pa je bila ugotovitev, da je med socialno anksioznimi posamezniki (5,9 %) večji delež tistih, ki imajo (možno) diagnozo motnje uživanja alkohola, kakor med preostalimi, ki niso socialno anksiozni (4 %). Ugotovljena je bila šibka negativna povezanost socialne anksioznosti s količino in pogostostjo pitja. Ob analizi podatkov sem pri socialno anksioznih posameznikih potrdila tudi statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma glede količine in pogostosti pitja ter stopnje tveganja za razvoj motnje uživanja alkohola, in sicer oboje je bilo višje izraženo pri socialno anksioznih moških. Razlik med spoloma pri socialno anksioznih posameznikih glede težav povezanih z uživanjem alkohola pa ni bilo. Ugotovljena je bila večja izraženost socialnih motivov in motivov prilagajanja pri socialno anksioznih moških študentih. Rezultati raziskave poudarjajo pomen ozaveščenosti o problematiki socialne anksioznosti in njene sopojavnosti s problematičnim uživanjem alkohola. Spoznanja pomembno prispevajo k razvoju socialno pedagoške stroke, ki si prizadeva za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja posameznikov in skupnosti. Razumevanje tega kompleksnega odnosa in s tem izboljšanje strokovnega znanja vodi v učinkovitejše ciljno usmerjene preventivne in intervencijske pristope za pomoč študentom, ki se soočajo s socialno anksioznostjo in težavami povezanimi z uživanjem alkohola.

Keywords:Socialna fobija, Uživanje alkoholnih pijač, Študenti, socialna anksioznost, študenti, uživanje alkohola, motnja uživanja alkohola, težave z uživanjem alkohola, motivi za pitje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Šercer
Number of pages:106 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161415 This link opens in a new window
UDC:616.89-008.441:613.81 -057.875(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:207258115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Correlation between social anxiety and alcohol consumption among students in Slovenia
The master's thesis investigates the correlation between social anxiety and alcohol consumption among students in Slovenia. In the theoretical part, I presented theoretical knowledge about social anxiety and its clinical form, social anxiety disorder. I explained the etiology of the disorder, its appearance and course, prevalence, its forms, and then moved on to comorbidity with alcohol use disorder. This was followed by an explanation of concepts related to alcohol consumption. Based on these starting points, I explained social anxiety and alcohol consumption in relation to the student population. In the final part, I focused on explaining the complex connection between social anxiety and alcohol consumption and presented a motivational model of alcohol consumption. The empirical part consisted of a quantitative study, the purpose of which was to investigate the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol consumption among the population of Slovenian students, and to investigate the role of drinking motives in this connection. In addition, I was interested in the prevalence of experiencing social anxiety among students and the gender differences regarding the variables of alcohol consumption, experiencing social anxiety and motives for alcohol consumption. The questionnaire was intended for students of three Slovenian public universities. The sample included 838 students, of which 614 were women and 224 were men, aged between 18 and 27. The results of the research showed a high prevalence of experiencing social anxiety among students (42.6 %), which is more common among female students than male students. An important finding of the research is that coping motives, social motives, and conformity motives significantly mediate the relationship between social anxiety and problems related to alcohol consumption, i.e. they influence the increase of problems. In the study, social anxiety was not significantly associated with problems related to alcohol consumption and the risk of developing an alcohol use disorder. It was interesting to note that among socially anxious individuals (5.9 %) there is a higher proportion of those with a (possible) diagnosis of alcohol use disorder than among the rest who are not socially anxious (4 %). A weak negative association of social anxiety with amount and frequency of drinking was found. Analyzing the data, I also confirmed statistically significant differences between the sexes in socially anxious individuals regarding the amount and frequency of drinking and the level of risk for developing an alcohol use disorder, both of which were more pronounced in socially anxious men. However, there were no gender differences in socially anxious individuals regarding problems related to alcohol consumption. A greater expression of social motives and conformity motives was found in socially anxious male students. The research results emphasize the importance of awareness about the issue of social anxiety and its co-occurrence with problematic alcohol use. The findings significantly contribute to the development of the field of social pedagogy, which strives to improve the quality of life for individuals in the community. Understanding this complex relationship, and thereby improving professional knowledge, leads to more effective targeted preventive and intervention approaches to help students experiencing social anxiety and alcohol-related problems.

Keywords:social anxiety, students, alcohol use, alcohol use disorder, alcohol use problems, motives for drinking

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